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September 29, 2009

Tornado Trivia

From today's Start Sampling poll:

I'm in the minority segment of the poll takers with my "Yes" answer. The number would be smaller if the question had been "Have you ever been IN a tornado?" and I would've been in that group, too. In fact, the question could have been plural, i.e. "Have you ever been in tornadoes?" and my answer would still have been "Yes". Each of my "in the tornado" experiences was terrifying, but also had humorous aspects that might make for an interesting story. (and I *might* write something about them sometime in the future)

The site also has daily trivia:

Again, my answer is with those in the minority. I'm fairly certain tornadoes don't normally travel at 90 or even 60 mph.

They move fast enough to make you swallow your gum, though.

Hot Spot - Simon's Cat

Where You Are is Where You're At

You Crave an Unpredictable Adventure

Life has gotten a bit too boring for you lately, and you're really looking to stir things up.

You couldn't imagine planning your great adventure. That would go against the whole point of it!

All you need is a plane, train, or bus ticket to anywhere. You'll make the rest up as you go along.

You want to visit every corner of the world and have many different experiences. The sooner you start, the more you'll see.


ameliorate \uh-MEEL-yuh-rayt\ , transitive verb:
1. To make better; to improve.
intransitive verb:
1. To grow better.

Certainly doesn't describe my future plans for this pathetic excuse for a blog.

September 27, 2009


predilection \preh-d'l-EK-shun; pree-\ , noun:
1. A predisposition to choose or like; an established preference.

I have a predilection for posting stupid stuff to this blog.
I also have a predilection for posting videos when I can't come up with stupid stuff.