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January 5, 2010

January 2, 2010

New Year's Resolution Generator

Can't think of a New Year's resolution? Go to the New Year's Resolution Generator and get as many as you like!

I'm glad it gave me one I'll have no trouble keeping:

New Year's Resolution Generator

Who Are You ?

You Are Proud of Who You Are

You see yourself as a creative and expressive person. You're very artistic.

You think other people see you as kind, gentle, and cooperative. You try to be helpful.

You want to see yourself as independent and free wheeling. You'd like to do your own thing more often.

You identify as a compassionate and accepting person. You pride yourself on being forgiving.

Who Are You? (Live)- The Who


constitutional \kon-stih-TOO-shuhn-uhl; -TYOO-\ , noun;
1. A walk taken for one's health.

Congress should take a long constitutional off a short pier.

Free Analog Web Clock

for your website or blog

Easily customizable; just set your time zone and favorite color. There's a shortcut to add to a Blogger blog and the specific coding is supplied for most of the popular social networking sites. A 24hr clock is also available.


I also use their time sync app. I hadn't run it in a while and checked my PC's clock just before midnight to make sure I had the correct time. I was off by 8 seconds!

I really shouldn't bother; the sounds of guns being fired in the air lets me know the new year has arrived.