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April 30, 2010

This Blog is Regressing

Nearly a year ago I checked this blog's readability in this post and the other day found a different test. The first test said this blog had a reading level of a sophomore in h.s. ; now the new one says this:

It'd been less embarrassing if this blog had been "held back" a year, but to get kicked back six grades?

Oh well, must be the juvenile humor I publish.

At least I haven't put up any Hannah Montana vids.

Just checked again at the first site; now it says the grade level is 7.

Like I said, regressing. Maybe I'm starting to go into my second childhood.

(some call that "senility")

Berry Good Quiz

You Are a Strawberry

On the one hand, you can be a bit vain and self centered. You're popular, and you let it get to your head.

On the other hand, you can be quite considerate and compassionate. Deep down, you are a very sweet person.

Yes, it's true that you are conceited at times, but you do your best to put that aside and be humble.

You realize that while people may love you the best, the world doesn't revolve around you. And you wouldn't really want it to.

I love strawberries and eat them often, usually w/ my morning oatmeal. Surprisingly, they're fairly diabetic-friendly.

BTW, did you notice it said I was a "very sweet person"? Maybe that's why I have trouble w/ my blood sugar.

How Soon Is Now? - Love Spit Love

The Wicked Water Wiggle

Did you ever have one of these "toys"? My sisters and I got one many summers ago, and it didn't take long for it to go unused. I don't recall exactly what happened to it, but maybe it got run over "accidentally" by the lawnmower. -ahem-

The thing was basically a water faucet with a cute little bell-shaped head around it, connected to a hose that was in turn connected to a water hose. The faucet part was so heavy it took quite a bit of pressure to get it going/airborne and there was absolutely no happy medium to it - it was all or nothing.

The object of the "toy" was to get close to it and then dodge its gyrations, getting wonderfully wet in the process. All too often, however, it seemed to go on a rampage and wiggle uncontrollably and usually whacking me in the head.

That probably explains what's wrong with me today.

It also says a great deal about the difference in today's litigious society and that of my childhood days. The toy, put on the market in '62, wasn't recalled until 1978.

Me, I think the damn thing was invented by a sadist.