Welcome to ToTG!

July 30, 2013

The Bike Test

You Are Confident

You've accepted yourself fully, and you're happy with where you are in life. You are extremely content.

Your gut reactions are neither negative nor positive. You tend to see both sides of issues.

You are efficient and savvy. You don't get tied down by unnecessary details.

You are very self sufficient and independent. You prefer to rely on yourself. 

Bubble Wrap Bike

I want one of these.

Fishy Fingernails

Did you know the pearly essence in many lipsticks and nail polishes is made up of fish scales? (usually from herring)

There are vegan-approved nail polishes which use mineral silica, synthetic pearl or particles of metal such as bronze or aluminum.

I Could Do This Bike Trick

July 29, 2013

Choose Your Own Title

For this post because I sure can't think of one.

This reminds me of a video game I used to play on Nintendo.

July 28, 2013

Joy for Breakfast

Did you know Mrs. Butterworth's first name is "Joy"?


dreck noun Slang.

1. excrement; dung.

2. worthless trash; junk.

I probably should have named this blog "Top of Texas Dreck", huh?