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July 30, 2014

Honest Trailers - Forrest Gump

I love this movie, celebrating its 20th anniversary since being released, but this is literally laugh-out-loud funny.

Well, it was for me, anyway.  Your mileage may vary.

Forrest Gump on IMDB.


gibbosity \ gi-BOS-i-tee \ noun

1. a protuberance or swelling.
2. the state of being gibbous.

This is a good word to know; when someone rudely mentions my beer belly (not from beer, though), I can say "No, it's my gibbosity!".

Not sure if a pregnant woman could use that, though.

July 29, 2014

Highest Flyer

The Rüppell's vulture is considered to be the highest-flying bird, with confirmed evidence of a flight at an altitude of 11,300 m (37,000 ft) above sea level.

Be My Baby - The Ronettes

July 28, 2014


favonian fa·vo·ni·an [fuh-voh-nee-uhn] adjective

1. of or pertaining to the west wind.
2. mild or favorable; propitious.

I was surprised I didn't know this word - what with all the maritime novels I read as a young man, I'd think it would have been in at least one of them. Maybe it was and I just didn't know what it meant...and I don't remember.

After all, when I was a young man was a long time ago.

Mad Max: Fury Road

I might have to break down and go to the theater to watch this.