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May 29, 2015

May 28, 2015


Note: I haven't been doing many "Word of the Day" posts lately because the module quit working.  I still get them via my reader, but to be honest, I haven't felt like doing them and they were much easier to do before Dictionary.com changed their website layout.  Be that as it may, here's one that made me want to start them up again, or at least at the same pace as I did before...which is to say, only when I am not familiar with the word or think of something funny to say about it.  It would be more of a "Word of the Every Now and Then" in the latter case.

middling adjective [mid-ling]

1. mediocre; ordinary; commonplace; pedestrian: The restaurant's entrées are no better than middling.

2. medium, moderate, or average in size, quantity, or quality: The returns on such a large investment may be only middling.

Middling reminds of of when I first got online and found the chat rooms. I thought they were really cool, having the ability to talk with people from all over the world.   I popped in one day and was immediately greeted by several of the regulars.  Here's a part of one conversation:

Some person:  Hi, Mike!  How have ya been?
Me:  Oh, fair to middling.
Some person: LOL
Another person:  Actually, it's not "middling".
Me: Oh? What's it supposed to be? 
Same another person: It's MIDLAND, like the town in Texas.

The conversation went on for a good bit, me telling the other person that it was "middling", just like the definition - mediocre, ordinary.  The other person said it was an old saying by pilots trained in Texas during WWII;  they would ask on the radio how the weather was and the base would come back "Fair to Midland."

Sheesh.  Would they say that if there was a thunderstorm there?  Good grief.

Star-Studded Cast

I was searching for a place to catch up on past episodes of Mythbusters when I found a site that had this as the latest listing:

I'm gonna make sure I don't miss this show!  Although I never watched The X-Files, I'm a big fan of Gillian Anderson and several of the things she's done since that.  Johnny Depp?  Ehhh - I've liked a few of his movies,but he's not my favorite actor by any means.  He's probably more concerned about not going to jail in Australia than anything else right now.  I'm really anxious to see what part Paul Newman has to play in this reality program...seeing as how he died over six years ago.

May 25, 2015

Remember Them Every Day

Memorial Day

"The nation which forgets its defenders will be itself forgotten."

 -  Calvin Coolidge

Memorial Day