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May 29, 2017

A Very Bing Birthday

Among family, friends and my online pals. I've had a pretty good birthday so far. Several of my email newsletters have sent me special emails, also wishing me a happy birthday. (and I also got an email in my spam folder from a "young woman" who wished me a happy birthday and would give me a "special present" if I clicked on the enclosed link. I was tempted, but...)

Bing also sent me birthday wishes earlier today on their home page; the images were animated, but I just took screen shots.

Make a wish?  Sure, so I clicked the button and got this:

I don't know how magical Bing is, but if my birthday wish comes true, I will be a lottery winner sometime this week.  I hope it's the Powerball because it's MUCH larger than the Mega Millions or the Texas Lotto jackpots.

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