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Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts

December 1, 2019

Fool Me Once

November 1, 2019

Well, That's ONE Way

To restart the motor in-flight.  I wonder what happened to make his engine stop, if he managed to get it restarted and if he made it down safely.

What I'd really like to know is just how he managed to climb over that wing strut, what with the enormous testicles he must possess.

September 6, 2019

June 3, 2019

Stupendous Slinky Skills

April 18, 2019

Horrifying Last Moments

Man records last moments of his life. Truly horrifying, so if you have a faint heart, DO NOT WATCH!

November 16, 2012


Do you do Twitter? I do, but I don't tweet. (a "tweet" is a post, just in case you don't know)  I signed up for an account mainly to follow a few people/organizations, two being Alton Brown and the Dallas Cowboys. I've followed others, but the constant, multiple re-tweets from other followers drive me crazy so I've un-followed nearly everyone else.

I am a huge fan of Alton Brown and his work on The Food Network and his tweets are sometimes funny, sometimes full of snark but usually both.  He often tweets a reply to a question with an uploaded photo of his answer on a sticky note, almost always good for a smile.   I noticed a *"hashtag" #WishMeLuck  on one of his posts and clicked on the link.

*(from the site- Definition: The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages.)

I almost wish I hadn't.  Most were mundane, one of the main reasons I don't follow many on Twitter:

Gonna try to sleep early tonight #wishmeluck

Driving lessons with daddey :) #wishmeluck

(I realize most tweets are done on a phone and typos are frequent, but "daddey" need to give her some spelling lessons)

Some were a little sad, even though I didn't know the people:

Surgery got moved to tomorrow #wishmeluck

Surgery tomorrow #wishmeluck

Got Tommy John surgery tomorrow. #wishmeluck

2 surgeries in 1 tomorrow #wishmeluck

I don't know the demographics of Twitter, but I would wager the service is mostly used by young people because there was a lot of angst about school. With some of these tweets, there's no wonder there's angst.

Looks like I'm winging this exam tomorrow. #WishMeLuck

im gonna actually try to study rn for the first time since like 5th grade #WishMeLuck

Memorizing Romeo & Juliet prologue in one night #WishMeLuck

I find out if I got into UGA tomorrow night... #wishmeluck

Gonna go bomb my chemistry midterm. #wishmeluck

Hopin for the best on these exams lmao #WishMeLuck

Early night, I have an exam tomorrow, #WishMeLuck

One exam tomorrow at 10am then my stresses about science is over!!! .... At least until January #wishmeluck

If I can make it to school tomorrow it will be my 3rd time this year making it a full week #wishmeluck

There were a lot of tweets about jobs, either starting them, applying for or interviewing for them:

Wellll, just sent in my application to be a Flight Attendent #wishmeluck

Got My First Job Interview Tomorrow #WishMeLuck

Bout to go get interviewed at chilies!! #wishmeluck

All ready for my interview!:) #WishMeLuck

applied at Maurice's #wishmeluck

Just turned in my TEC application #wishmeluck

And some were really funny; I think I'd like to know more about them...or maybe I wouldn't:

Teaching mom how to follow people on twitter was hard enough, now she has an Instagram. #wishmeluck

Setting my alarm for 6:40 so I can get up and attempt to look cute tomorrow #wishmeluck

Drinking till my mouth doesn't hurt anymore #wishmeluck

first tattoo #wishmeluck

About to shave my fur off #wishmeluck

Helen is gonna try to shower #wishmeluck

And my personal favorite of the bunch; he sounds desperate, using quite a few hashtags:

Court in the am  #wishmeluck #praying #pleasedropcharges #missmycannabis

June 9, 2012


YOLO= "You only live once." I saw this several years ago on a Facebook wall. The subject was the most daring things people had done and one guy said he and his girlfriend had climbed some mountain last summer and someone else said they thought that was crazy and the mountain climber replied "YOLO".

I wasn't familiar with that particular acronym, but it didn't take long to find out what it meant: You Only Live Once - Mainly used to defend doing something ranging from mild to extreme stupidity (That's from the website Urban Dictionary. I'm not linking to it because 90% of the definitions on the site contain some...or a lot...of profanity. I'm thinkin' it's more than fair that I cite the source even if I don't insert a hyperlink)

I don't think climbing a mountain is stupid;  I wouldn't do it, but I can think of a lot more stupid things there are to do.  The way YOLO is being used most of the time is stupid, though.

Since that time I've seen it hundreds of times on the 'net, on Twitter feeds and set as a Facebook status. It's becoming overused, much in the way Hotel California was played way too much on the radio. That song was great the first dozen times I heard it, but when it was played a dozen times a day....

It was like that with YOLO for a long while, then - thankfully - it fell into disuse. It wouldn't go away completely - there were the isolated incidents that would call attention to it again, such as when Zac Efron got a YOLO hand tattoo. It's making a comeback, though, and a search of the 'net will show that I'm not alone in thinking it's being used far too often and in the wrong context.

I was reminded of it again the other day when some doofus posted in a fan group something like "Me 'n a bud drank a fifth of vodka, polished off a case of malt liquor and smoked a whole oz. of some crazy kine. YOLO." Yeah, I thought. You only live once, but you'll also probably only live a short time.

I suppose you only live once, but I prefer to go by the haiku written by James Bond in Ian Fleming's novel You Only Live Twice:

You only live twice:
Once when you are born
And once when you look death in the face

I'm certainly not a spy nor a combat veteran, but I have looked death in the face, both literally and figuratively. That's for another blog post, though.

The following is from the 1967 James Bond thriller You Only Live Twice opening, sung by Nancy Sinatra. (The movie bears little resemblance to the novel, by-the-way) I love the opening bars of the tune.