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Showing posts with label announcements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label announcements. Show all posts

September 3, 2015

No News Ain't Good News

I noticed the local Amarillo ABC affiliate news feed (in the right-hand column) wasn't working and I'm not sure how long it had been discontinued, but I don't think for much more than a few days before I discovered it.  I looked around the website to see if they had changed out their RSS feed, but it seems they had discontinued it and then went to the websites of the other Amarillo TV stations for a replacement, but neither of them offered a feed.

Oh well.  I'm sure people weren't flocking to this blog to read the Panhandle area news; after all, they don't flock here for any other reason, either.

I guess there IS some good news;  that's one less script to have to load when folks come here.

December 27, 2014

No Words

Sorry, my Word of the Day module has disappeared from the right-hand column.  I went to the website to see if they had discontinued it or changed the code/script used to embed it, but it doesn't look like that's the case.  I used the contact form to ask about it but haven't heard back. (not surprising, since it's the holidays) 

If I can't get it back, then I'll try to find another one.  I really enjoy posting about unusual words or those I've never seen or heard.

November 17, 2014

Took Sunday Off

Not that anyone noticed, but I took yesterday off (from posting in here).  For the first time in years, I watched football all day long and not only was that out-of-the-ordinary for me, Dallas wasn't even playing since they're in their bye week.

I really enjoyed watching the other conference opponents - New York, Washington and Philadelphia - not only get beat, but beaten fairly badly.  Sure, the Giants didn't lose by much, but they played so poorly it was fun to watch the meltdown. 

I'll have to admit, however, that I'm about "footballed out" after watching the biggest part of four games yesterday (including the late game last night).  I doubt I'll watch Monday Night Football, but will instead catch up on some of my favorite new-found TV series.

August 1, 2013

Did You Know?

You may have noticed some of the trivia posts are labeled "did you know".   It might be redundant to have both that and a trivia label, but they ARE a little different, namely that when I ask "Did you know...?" it means I did not know it and found it interesting/cool.

July 23, 2013