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November 22, 2019

Dear Sarah

To: Me

From: Sarah Baker @inforjnFQF@iye-o.mddksazhnvbzfftv.com

(yeah, that sure seems like a legit addy, huh?)

And a whole bunch of reply to: addresses.  If you've seen my other spam posts, you know I like to post them as so to have the spam web spiders trawl this site, pick them up and in turn, have the spammers get spammed.  If you want to see them, left click on your mouse and drag your cursor between * and *

* reply@successbox.app,reply@quickbox.icu,reply@marketbox.space,

Subject: Hello all, new to this, so be nice with me :)

(and a bunch of emoticons, I HATE those in the subject lines!)

Hallo! My name is Sarah Baker and I am new here from Ukraine I only live here for 1 month. Its been much harder than I though to find work and I am having very difficult time to pay rent. When I was in Ukraine I work as club dancer. I have very fit body and love to dance Im trusting their are some decent man in this world that will like to pay me for some good times.

Click to contact me..... (note:  link removed - was just the same reply to: addys)

I am live right now and looking for some nice local men to send some naughty pics to!

Then three attachments down at the bottom;  I "edited" them as so to at least make a pretense at maintaining a G-rated blog.

Dear Sarah,

For *some* reason I don't think that's your real name.  Maybe "Sasha Bakatoff" but not Sarah Baker.

Just moved here from the Ukraine, huh? I hope you did so legally, but that doesn't seem to matter these days, so....Maybe you got here by requesting political asylum, maybe the cheap drunk Ruskies weren't tipping you enough at the Kiev strip club?

Then again, I suspect it's hard to stuff enough rubles in your G-string to make it worthwhile, what with it taking 63 of 'em to equal an American buck. (at today's exchange rate)

If you love to dance, then I've always heard if you love what you do, you don't have to work a day in your life...just never thought anyone would actually love being a stripper.

Having problems making your rent?  Where do you live?  San Francisco?  New York City? You must not be a very good stripper.

I'm also having problems believing you are having trouble finding work...at least in that profession and esp. if any of those photos are accurate. Shoot, even the ratty strip clubs on Amarillo Blvd. would welcome a gal like you, I'm sure.  (not that I would know for sure, just guessin')

And speaking of those photos;  one doesn't have your face in it, but the other two are definitely of two different young ladies...not unless you got tatted up and your hair dyed black in between them.

And lastly, you're trusting there are some "decent men in this world that will like to pay me for some good times".  Honey, decent men don't pay women for "some good times"...not unless they're desperate and/or aren't scared of catching something penicillin won't cure....not even for 126 rubles.


P.S. Sorry, but you sent your pics to anything but a nice guy, at least not YOUR idea of nice.  You can keep sending them, though, I don't mind.

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