Welcome to ToTG!

Good morning, glory!
Carpe Diem, all that.

December 1, 2019

Fool Me Once

November 28, 2019

The Wisdom of Mike

No, not me, but someone perhaps even more surprising.

November 22, 2019

Dear Sarah

To: Me

From: Sarah Baker @inforjnFQF@iye-o.mddksazhnvbzfftv.com

(yeah, that sure seems like a legit addy, huh?)

And a whole bunch of reply to: addresses.  If you've seen my other spam posts, you know I like to post them as so to have the spam web spiders trawl this site, pick them up and in turn, have the spammers get spammed.  If you want to see them, left click on your mouse and drag your cursor between * and *

* reply@successbox.app,reply@quickbox.icu,reply@marketbox.space,

Subject: Hello all, new to this, so be nice with me :)

(and a bunch of emoticons, I HATE those in the subject lines!)

Hallo! My name is Sarah Baker and I am new here from Ukraine I only live here for 1 month. Its been much harder than I though to find work and I am having very difficult time to pay rent. When I was in Ukraine I work as club dancer. I have very fit body and love to dance Im trusting their are some decent man in this world that will like to pay me for some good times.

Click to contact me..... (note:  link removed - was just the same reply to: addys)

I am live right now and looking for some nice local men to send some naughty pics to!

Then three attachments down at the bottom;  I "edited" them as so to at least make a pretense at maintaining a G-rated blog.

Dear Sarah,

For *some* reason I don't think that's your real name.  Maybe "Sasha Bakatoff" but not Sarah Baker.

Just moved here from the Ukraine, huh? I hope you did so legally, but that doesn't seem to matter these days, so....Maybe you got here by requesting political asylum, maybe the cheap drunk Ruskies weren't tipping you enough at the Kiev strip club?

Then again, I suspect it's hard to stuff enough rubles in your G-string to make it worthwhile, what with it taking 63 of 'em to equal an American buck. (at today's exchange rate)

If you love to dance, then I've always heard if you love what you do, you don't have to work a day in your life...just never thought anyone would actually love being a stripper.

Having problems making your rent?  Where do you live?  San Francisco?  New York City? You must not be a very good stripper.

I'm also having problems believing you are having trouble finding work...at least in that profession and esp. if any of those photos are accurate. Shoot, even the ratty strip clubs on Amarillo Blvd. would welcome a gal like you, I'm sure.  (not that I would know for sure, just guessin')

And speaking of those photos;  one doesn't have your face in it, but the other two are definitely of two different young ladies...not unless you got tatted up and your hair dyed black in between them.

And lastly, you're trusting there are some "decent men in this world that will like to pay me for some good times".  Honey, decent men don't pay women for "some good times"...not unless they're desperate and/or aren't scared of catching something penicillin won't cure....not even for 126 rubles.


P.S. Sorry, but you sent your pics to anything but a nice guy, at least not YOUR idea of nice.  You can keep sending them, though, I don't mind.

November 14, 2019

Wild Animals Fighting

A lot of these remind me of fights breaking out in dive bars around closing time, two guys fighting over the last available woman.

Especially the two rabbits.

November 11, 2019

Thou Hath Spam

This was in my Spam folder earlier;  I wish these con artists would at least include a photo of scantily clad "themselves" as they used to do.

Gmail gives this warning:

This message seems dangerous

Similar messages were used to steal people's personal information. Avoid clicking links, downloading attachments, or replying with personal information.'

Thanks, Gmail.  I knew that, but I appreciate you reminding not just me, but any other doofus out there.

Here are the addresses and hopefully the web crawlers will pick them up and the spammers will get spammed.


reply-to:    krasotkakla@in-mybox.com


Thou'll probably be surprised by the message.

"Thou'll"??? I guess that would be a Biblical contraction? 

I just begin acquainted with the Internet. It seems I open the wicket that was not known.

And what a sticky wicket I suspect you have!  I'd say you also need to acquaint yourself with some better English.

For me, this new and it seems me that I already enough adult for this!

I see where this is headed. You're hopin' I'm a perv and that you are counting on me wanting to hook up with some total stranger on the 'net, am I right?  

I start to feel that I am not catching up with pace of the world that is around .I decided to keep up! And try use modern technologies for communications!

"Modern technologies for communications"?  What have you BEEN using, carrier pigeons?  Semaphores?  Smoke signals?  I'd say a phone is still considered a modern technology?  I think what you mean is using modern tech to con someone, am I right? Of course I am.

I will get to the point! I live in Russia! My city is called "Penza". What country do you live in?

I live in Nunya, Dambidnezz.

I 'm forty eight years old! I'm not here for joking.I 'm interested in personal acquaintance and begin of an serious relationship!I really hope thou'll answer me.

Well, 48 isn't too young for me, but I like a woman with a good sense of humor, so I'd hope you'd be in for some joking. I'm not into a serious relationship right now, so....There's that Biblical contraction again, not sure whether to be annoyed or amused.  

My emotional state does not allow me to start writing a lot at once.Cause I still feel little tight.

"Emotional state".  Hmmm....is that another code word for "mental illness"? Because trust me, I've dated a few crazy women and have had more than enough of THAT to last the rest of this lifetime and a couple more.

Although, if you're still feeling a little "tight", then you might just be a drunk.  It's a hard pass on that, too.

I guarantee that you'll see my more confident and informative letter only in case you answer to this one!Wait your thy reaction!

"Confident and informative"?  Is THAT a code phrase for information about how you don't like the sex with Russian men and you'll send me some nekkid pictures of yourself if I'll only reply...and give you my bank routing number?

Thou willst hath to waiteth the longest of times, I'm afraid. You can read my reaction here -- if you find it after getting a taste of your spam crap.

November 1, 2019

Well, That's ONE Way

To restart the motor in-flight.  I wonder what happened to make his engine stop, if he managed to get it restarted and if he made it down safely.

What I'd really like to know is just how he managed to climb over that wing strut, what with the enormous testicles he must possess.

October 26, 2019

NASA Blew It

Click graphic for larger view

Just think, NASA had a chance to shoot Hillary into outer space and blew it.

The "outer" the better, of course.

October 25, 2019

Horrifying Odds/Shocking Statistics

I was reading an article online with the local classic rock station on and the radio jock starting talking about odds of things happening.  I wasn't paying much attention, but he mentioned the odds of winning the lottery, then went on with other long odds of things happening to you.  It wasn't until the last bit of information he mentioned that my ears perked up.

I did not remember all the numbers, but I went to see the odds of playing the lottery. From Wonderopolis:

In a lottery in which you pick 6 numbers from a possible pool of 49 numbers, your chances of winning the jackpot (correctly choosing all 6 numbers drawn) are 1 in 13,983,816. That's 1 shot in almost 14 million.

If you were to buy one lottery ticket each week in such a scenario, you could expect to win once every 269,000 years.

That's pretty good odds compared to the Mega Millions jackpot. According to Wikipedia the odds of hitting a jackpot on that game are 302,575,350 to 1.

Of course, if you want a little better odds than that, then you can play Powerball, which according to Wiki has odds of "only" 1 in 292,201,338 of winning the big prize.

I don't remember all the categories - just the last couple - the radio jock brought up, but northjersey.com claims that you have a much better chance of being killed by a vending machine 112 million to one - than winning either the Powerball or Mega Millions.  They also say it's a much better bet that an asteroid will hit the Earth, 1-75,000.  Also, the article says the odds of finding a four-leaf clover are 1-10,000 and being hit by lightning 1 in 15,300.

I wonder what the odds are of being hit by lightning AND an asteroid while looking for a four-leaf clover?

Never mind.

Anyway, the radio jock went on with some odds I found distressing and unlike the other millions to one odds, I remembered these.  He said the odds of a man cheating on his wife were 1 in 5.  That upset me for some reason, even though I knew that was pretty accurate.  I'm just proud that when I was married, I was one of the four faithful guys.

The other stat that bothered me was in the same category, namely that 1 in 7.5 women cheated on their husbands.  I'm certain that my ex was one of those 6.5 faithful women.

Which brings me to something about that last stat;  just exactly how does one cheat with .5 of a person, half a woman? Would that be the top half?  Just guessing, but I'd say it would have to be the bottom half to really fall under the definition of cheating, but that's just my twisted mind.  Whats even more twisted is the thought of the woman being half a woman vertically...split right down the middle 

I guess that could be the case, more than the top/bottom scenarios.  After all, the odds of a woman having conjoined twins is 1-200,000....and if they had been separated, and a man cheated with one of the twins, that technically would be the point 5 of a woman, right?

I guess if a guy cheated with BOTH of the still-joined twins, that would skew the statistics, right?  Would you count that as one or TWO of that 7.5 figure?

What's really horrifying is me thinking about stuff like this.  Trust me, the odds of me doing THAT is pretty much a sure thing.

October 24, 2019

Tea Poll

I just participated in this poll on one of my sample sites.

(Click graphic for larger view)

I sat my cup of hot, strong, black tea down and clicked "No."

J/K I love a good cuppa. 

Did you hear about the Indian chief who drank a hundred cups of hot tea?

They found him dead the next morning, drowned in his tea pee.

OK, that's old and I'm sure I've told it before on this blog, but I still find it amusing.

I wonder who has never had a cup of hot tea?  Gotta be a Mormon, reckon?

October 20, 2019

Sunday Sloth Success

I just finished up the Bing homepage quiz;  today's (Sunday) topic was sloths and I got five of five correct.

Not really surprising, considering both the subject and I have a lot in common. (except I'm not covered in algae - at least not as much - nor do I have sloth moths living in my fur...none that I've seen, anyway.)

(click graphic for larger view)

October 19, 2019

Ruining AOC's Holiday

Click graphic f/ larger view.

I Think It Ate the Page

404 page on Putlocker, one of the dodgy video sites I frequent.

(Click pic f/ larger view)

October 3, 2019

Wanna Be a Dad?

Stop drinking six months before conception.

Can alcohol affect sperm? Dads-to-be should stop drinking 6 months before conception, study finds

Alcohol consumption during pregnancy has long been linked to congenital defects and developmental problems in newborns. Now a new study has found a link between a baby's congenital heart defects and their prospective parents' drinking before conception

Compared to non-drinkers, fathers who drank during the three months before conception were 44% more likely to have babies born with congenital heart disease.

If the prospective dads were binge drinkers, which was defined as downing five or more drinks per session, there was a 52% higher likelihood their baby would have a congenital heart defect.

(read the rest of the article at above link)

Sobering news, no pun intended. Even though I'm no scientist, it makes sense.  Alcohol IS, after all, technically a poison.

OTOH, I suspect a LOT of "conception events" are directly due to alcohol consumption.

September 20, 2019

Bulldog VS Dinosaur

From another of my favorite YouTube channels, Elvis and Khalee: "two bratty bulldogs who enjoy watching TV and mouthing off to our parents!'. It's hilarious how they recognize villains or monsters in movies, especially from horror flicks.

Other than barking at bad guys, they really seem to enjoy watching TV, especially nature shows.  Their reaction to some cheetahs in a recent video made me LOL because when one saw the big cats on TV, it barked for the other to come provide some backup. 

You'd never have to worry about Freddy Krueger or Jason if you had these two dogs.

Their owners also post some very unusual time lapse videos of some very odd events in their garage.  I'm not sure if they're a spoof or hoax, but it's weird.

September 6, 2019

How to Scare a Bird

Much Sorry!

Was looking for a specific video file and after Googling for it, went to a "dodgy" site to watch. I might should be happy I got this instead of some computer virus.

September 5, 2019

September 2, 2019


Some of the best Norm quotes from the television series Cheers.

WOODY: "What's your pleasure, Mr. Peterson?"
NORM : "Boxer shorts and loose shoes. But I'll settle for a beer."

SAM: "What's new, Normie?"
NORM: "Terrorists, Sam. They've taken over my stomach & they're demanding beer."

SAM: "What'd you like, Normie?"
NORM: "A reason to live. Give me another beer."

SAM: "What'll you have Normie?"
NORM: "Well, I'm in a gambling mood, Sammy. I'll take a glass of whatever comes out of that tap."
SAM: "Looks like beer, Norm."
NORM: "Call me Mister Lucky."

WOODY: "What's the story, Mr. Peterson?"
NORM: "The Bobbsey twins go to the brewery. Let's cut to the happy ending."

WOODY: "Hey, Mr. Peterson, there's a cold one waiting for you."
NORM: "I know. If she calls, I'm not here."

SAM: "Beer, Norm?"
NORM: "Have I gotten that predictable? Good."

WOODY: "How's it going, Mr. Peterson?"
NORM: "Poor."

WOODY: "I'm sorry to hear that."
NORM: "No, I mean pour."

SAM: "What's going down, Normie?"
NORM: "My butt cheeks on that bar stool."

WOODY: "Pour you a beer, Mr. Peterson?"
NORM: "All right, but stop me at one. Make that one-thirty."

SAM: "What's the story, Norm?"
NORM: "Boy meets beer. Boy drinks beer. Boy meets another beer."

WOODY: "What's going on, Mr. Peterson?"
NORM: "The question is what's going in Mr. Peterson? A beer please, Woody."

WOODY: "Can I pour you a beer, Mr. Peterson?"
NORM: "A little early isn't it, Woody?"
WOODY: "For a beer?"
NORM: "No, for stupid questions."

COACH: "How's life treating you Norm?"
NORM: "Like he caught me in bed with his wife. "

WOODY: "How's it going Mr. Peterson? "
NORM : "It's a dog eat dog world out there, Woody, and I'm wearing milkbone underwear."


Not exactly a 404 page, but a strange one.   I was looking at real estate on Trulia and kept trying to find homes in the Krum, TX area and was getting this ea. time I clicked on a link.

I'd say if your house was tilted on edge like that, it would be self-tidying; the dirt and trash would slide right out the door...along with the furniture, appliances and any house guests you might have.

Then again, that might be a good feature to have on that last, huh?

August 31, 2019

Trumped Again!

Hilarious 404 page from the President's re-election website.

Click graphic for larger view.

August 20, 2019

A Cowgirl's Grave

A lovely stone in the town cemetery
East of Miami, Texas

(click pic for a little larger view)

Note: This is a "bump" from June '08, but I put in a different photo from a different angle.

I didn't notice it until I got home and downloaded the photos to my computer but the background reflection of the bluffs on the other side of Red Deer Creek seem to blend into the scene on the stone.

August 17, 2019

Quote of the Day 8-17-19

From the Quote of the Day module in the right-hand column:

For the happiest life, days should be rigorously planned, nights left open to chance.

Mignon McLaughlin

By that philosophy, I should be having at least a half-happy life because I pretty much leave the entire day open to chance.

Oh Snap! I AM Lost!

Just Hoo! Hoo! do you think I am?  Owl never find the video I wanted to watch.

From Vidloxtv

August 16, 2019

Rollercoaster Day

Today is National Rollercoaster Day!

July 31, 2019

Burnt Cookies

Page Not Found on the King Arthur website.

(Click pic f/ larger view)

I'd say it might be best to lay off the eggnog until AFTER the cookies were done.

Satan's Sister

One Sunday morning, Satan appeared before a small town congregation. Everyone started screaming and running for the front church door, trampling each other in a frantic effort to get away.

Soon, everyone was gone, except for an elderly gentleman who sat calmly. Satan walked up to the man and said, "Don't you know who I am?"

The man replied, "Yep, sure do."

Satan asked, "Aren't you going to run?"

"Nope, sure ain't," said the man.

Perturbed, Satan asked, "Why aren't you afraid of me?"

The man calmly replied, "Been married to your sister for over 48 years."

June 3, 2019

Stupendous Slinky Skills

May 28, 2019

Just Isn't The Same

I had disconnected from the 'net, then decided I'd go get my Bings Rewards points and opened up my Edge Browser (a few more points by using it) and got this error message.

It's good to know they think the web isn't the same without me, but to be truthful, I'm not the same w/out the web.  I've tried all kinds of vices in my life and never had any real problems with any of them (except smoking) and could lay them down, quit without much problem, but I really do miss the Internet when I am offline. 

I *might* have a problem, but AFAIC, it's not all that bad.  Sure, I waste a LOT of time online, but it's not ALL wasted;  I can honestly say I learn something new each and every day.

Besides that, all my friends live in my computer!

I know I'm not "connected".  Otherwise I'd have friends named Big Pussy, Sal and Tony and a good no-show job for the local waste management concern.

May 26, 2019

I Had to Google This

I've received other Google error pages before, but never a 404 page. 

I kept trying again to reach my Gmail account and kept getting the following until about the fourth time when I got an explanation page that there was "something wrong with your cookies."  I figured it couldn't be MY fault since they're the ones that like to put them on my computer and track me all across the World Wide Web.

Deleted cache and cookies and everything was copacetic.  I am loathe to delete my browser cache until necessary, esp. since I now have to pay for my data usage.

Click graphic for larger view.  Gotta love the Google 'bot, huh?

"That's all we know."  They probably know more about me than did my mom.

May 20, 2019


Not quite a 404 page but a funny one from Imgur when a photo has been deleted.

(Click for larger view)

April 18, 2019

Horrifying Last Moments

Man records last moments of his life. Truly horrifying, so if you have a faint heart, DO NOT WATCH!

April 8, 2019


An interesting example of a cartogram.

From the website:

A cartogram is a map in which a variable of interest (e.g. population, income) is substituted for area. In this case, we've taken the population of each US state as determined by the census, conducted every decade.

The animation below illustrates high-level trends that have happened in the United States over its lifetime, such as a general migration westward. Click "Replay" on the left side in order to watch the animation again, or click any of the year labels on the right to navigate directly to a certain year.

US Population Trends Over The Last 220 Years [Cartogram]

March 1, 2019

I, Pencil: The Movie

A great video, very appropriate example of capitalism, sorely needed at this point in time.

February 27, 2019

Hard Core

Originally published 8/7/08.  I was telling a friend about my oil field experiences and linked him to this post and decided it was worth a "bump".

I took these photos a few months ago to post in a political forum I used to frequent; I wanted to (try to) prove to a guy that hydrocarbons were formed by deposits of organic material. He was arguing that, since some Georgia textbook had said "oil came from dinosaurs" that that was what was taught in our schools and it was wrong. (never mind that the textbook was printed in the 50's, and was a grade school primer. That was about his intellectual level, come to think of it)

He was insisting that oil is formed in the earth's core (abiogenic petroleum origin) and that we were nowhere nearly running out of it and that oil companies kept this "fact" a secret . (and this coming from a guy who said every Ron Paul supporter was a conspiracy nut)

This is a core sample from one of my dad's wells; it came from approx. 4800 feet and is from the Brown Dolomite formation.

The large white deposit in the above photo is chert (sometimes called "flint"); drilling through the dolomite formation is tricky enough*, but these hard layers of chert could tear up a drill bit if not careful.

*Dolomite is very porous, and that's why -- in that particular area -- it is the oil-bearing strata. In other places, where it was necessary to drill deeper to find oil or gas, drilling through this particular formation took special precautions; if the drilling fluid wasn't viscous (thick) enough, or didn't have enough "filler", the formation could swell from the fresh water and "stick your bit" and pipe. It is also a "lost circulation" zone, sometimes sucking in fluid faster than could be pumped down the hole.

This next photo shows just how porous the rock is.

It's so porous, I used to like to pour liquid incense onto the core; it would soak it up and slowly release the fragrance over several weeks time.

This next shot shows some tiny fossils embedded into it. (Some might argue that they're rock, but I took this to my college geology professor and he verified it. He wanted me to give it to him, but he had already stolen a meteorite from me...long story)

No, it wasn't "just" dinosaurs that made oil; my dad used to say it was dinosaur "poop" more than the prehistoric animal remains, but that was...just like that Georgia textbook...a simplification. The organic material that later became oil came from seas that used to cover this area millions of years ago. It wasn't just one time, but several, over millions of years and millions of tons of organics. The tremendous amount of organic material, under tremendous heat and pressure, formed the hydrocarbons.

That's not as nice an example as is this core sample from Norway, but I think it's still interesting.

My dad and I used to polish rocks, and he made an ashtray out of a slab of core sample. I don't know what happened to it, but it had a beautiful shell in it.

That particular field is nearly played out, but the last time I was out there, they were drilling some injection wells and seemed to be having some success with that method. (tertiary recovery)

February 15, 2019

Pak-a-Burger Has the Best Hamburgers

Bar nun.

I took these photos and a few more a few years ago; It was a beautiful spring day and I was driving past when I noticed two nuns sitting in front waiting on their orders. I stopped, approached them and told them exactly what I wanted to do with the photos if they allowed me to take them. They both giggled and gave their consent.

They told me their names, but I can't remember them now after a couple of years. I'm pretty sure one was "Sister Mary" or maybe "Sister Teresa" but maybe I'm just hedgin' my bet with those guesses.

On a related note, the building was repainted, thank God. Seriously, thank God that it was repainted, thank God it changed hands. The burgers were horrible then after the change of ownership. The building is back to its original white and the food is back to being delicious again, especially the burgers.

About the only thing it had goin' for it, I guess, was that the customers were good.

February 5, 2019

It Smells Like

I don't know, don't care, but it certainly smells like another round of layoffs on the way.

THAT would smell like roses.

February 1, 2019

Happy Groundhog Day!

Especially to my online pal, Garazon!

January 21, 2019

Free Spider Chart

(click image for larger view)

This really won't help me much, as it's awfully hard to identify what sort of spider it is was from the goo under my shoe.

Get yours from termite.com

(or save this one and let me take all the resulting spam for you!)

EDIT: I remembered a few more spider posts I've made. How could I forget? -shudder-

I had a spider on my towel once.

And there was an art-loving spider.

And more recently there was some spider software , a creepy application and another creepy thing.

January 17, 2019

Sometimes Life Treats Me

Like a red-headed stepchild.

I posted that and the following graphic on a forum not long ago and was taken to task by a few virtue signalers that it wasn't right to mock child abuse. Uh, I'm pretty sure that black eye isn't real. Who knows?  The kid might have run into a door or got the black eye in a playground spat...or maybe he's a cross dresser and just didn't know how to apply the mascara he stole from his mother?

Their outrage was funnier than the joke and THEY were mocked for it by others in the forum.

January 5, 2019

Multiple Retaliation

If the spammers want me to verify my email address as active to multiple sources, then I'm going to retaliate in kind.

Just got this in my spam folder:

Security Alert!!

from:  5812324@438901.uu.net (THAT really looks legit, doesn't it?)

Here's a screenshot of the body of the email:

Clicking on the link or the blue "confirm" button renders a reply email to these addresses:


So, spambots...do your stuff and pick up on these addresses so the spammers will spam the spammers!

January 3, 2019

Texas Women

From the Photobucket archives:

Three men were sitting together bragging about how they had given their new wives duties. The first man had married a woman from Ohio and had told her that she was going to do dishes and house cleaning.

It took a couple days, but on the third day he came home to a clean house and dishes washed and put away.

The second man had married a woman from New Mexico. He had given his wife orders that she was to do all the cleaning, dishes, and the cooking.

The first day he didn't see any results, but the next day he saw it was better. By the third day, he saw his house was clean, the dishes were done, and there was a huge dinner on the table.

The third man had married a girl from Texas and her duties were to keep the house cleaned, dishes washed, lawn mowed, laundry washed and hot meals on the table for every meal.

He said the first day he didn't see anything, the second day he didn't see anything, but by the third day some of the swelling had gone down and he could see a little out of his left eye, enough to fix himself a bite to eat and load the dishwasher.