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August 28, 2008

Free Coffee Sample

While visiting my Start Sampling site, I discovered they were offering a free sample of Seattle's Best Coffee.

I love samples and love free stuff and love coffee...
Photobucket... especially free coffee.


Barb said...

I love that site too. Your post reminded me I should drop by there, it's been a while.

Mike said...

If I hadn't used my real name when signing up for the acct., I could post it in here or in other places that allow it, get credit for when people sign up via the link.

I put in a post about StartSampling when I first kicked this thing off.

I've also nabbed some nifty recipes from there. Sometimes they have a photo of something that looks really good, sounds good, and I've saved the entire pages to print off onto recipe cards.

I almost drown in magazines, and give awau 90% of the ones I get from there. I probably should send an email out or make a post in here to let my friends know.

I've rec. some pretty nifty magsl, Esquire, Home and Garden, a good home decorating one. My fav. I've ever rec. was a yaching magazine, nice to at least see how the rich people live.

sharintexas said...

Mike, you let me know about the Start Sampling website a long time ago and I've enjoyed it ever since. I get all the free magazines, too. There's always one of the kids/grandkids that will take them off my hands. I didn't get the free coffee though since I don't drink coffee. Want me to get some and send it to you? I love free stuff!

Mike said...

I bet I get, on avg., a magazine a day. I gave them to Kay for her beauty shop, but she recently told me she had plenty. Sometimes I give 'em to the guy who owns the laundromat; he culls 'em out, takes a lot of 'em home to read.

I read my magazines, the couple I've subscribed to and the ones you've given me, and sometimes I run across several that I've put back when I had time to read 'em. They'll be several months old!

I've taken some to the Good Sam's and have thought about taking some to the nursing home or to the hospital. Most have tear-off tags or I just rip my name and address off the printed on the page ones.

Sis, you should get it for Gary or Brad, don't they drink coffee? I take my coffee drinking in stages, drinking far less in summer, sometimes going a month or two w/out any.

I'm sure it's a one-pot sample, not a lot. Didn't think to look, but it doesn't matter. I got a WM sample today, some cereal.