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August 19, 2008

Look Out!

This blog has head lice!

(click the graphic for larger view)

I had visited my lovely niece's MySpace site (she's lovely...her site is OK, but not nearly as pretty as she is) and left her a message telling her to drop by this blog when she got a chance. At the time, I was wondering if the link would be deleted...and sure 'nuff, it was.

I don't mind that the link was deleted, not really, because I do realize that's how people are lured to sites w/ malware, etc. but I DO mind this blog, pathetic as it might be, being compared to head lice.

Oh well, better that than crabs, I suppose.

Does anyone have a link for the Blogger equivalent of Kwell?


Itchy in Texas

1 comment:

Mike said...

And my link was naughty.