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August 16, 2008

Knite the Destiny!

Skimming through my Gmail bulk folder, a mail caught my eye.

"Mikeintexas, I have a girl for you!"

It was from my old pal, Miguel Champagne, and he says this:

Hello my name is Nadezhda I very interesting and attractive decent girl I search for second half good kind I have seen you on dating site and have decided to write to you and lovely and gentle the man

I want with to knite the destiny with the good decent person my address: hopefullynadezhda@gmail.com

if I have interested I lonely and very beautiful girl Nadezhda you write to me shall answer all your questions wait with impatience from you the counter letter yours faithfully Nadezhda.

There was an attached photo:

She's really a little too skinny for my own personal taste, but hey, I'd be willing to "knite the destiny" with her...if that's what she really wants.

I AM pretty decent, if I do say so myself.

I'm game, just as long as she's not kin to Tatiana.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Really funny thing: this post hadn't been up an hour when it was indexed by Google, and it has already had several hits on it, probably from others researching the same email.

It's also not new, as I followed some links and found it to be the topic in a few forums. Some have done as I did and posted the photo that was attached to their email.

Several of the photos were definitely of the same woman, but different poses. One post stated that the woman was a famous Russian porn model/actress.

THAT'S the sort of research I need to be doing, y'know it?

One "hit" on this post resulted from the Google search terms of the exact same email address and that got me to thinking. (a rare event!)

What if, everytime I got a spam email, I posted the email addy? It would be nabbed by the web spiders and then the spambots would be spamming the spammers!

Ah, the ironic justice!