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July 23, 2013

I Ran - A Flock of Seagulls

A "bump" from 11/22/08 because I just read this: Flock of Seagulls Robbed. Before I clicked on the link, I figured it was the band that got robbed, not literally a flock of seagulls. (or a truck full of seagulls heisted) The old video wasn't working, blocked "in your country".  That always sucks.


Barb said...

LOL I remebmer that video being on MTV and the crazy hair styles. I also remember these guys making an appearance on the Merv Griffins ( or was it Mike Douglas) show and them being like ducks out of water when it came time to sit on the couch and chat with the host.

Mike said...

Sorry I didn't reply to this one when you first posted, Barb. I think I might have been having connection problems or the computer went out, don't remember. It's rude and not like me to at least acknowledge when someone replies to one of my posts.

I was thinking about MTV the other day; it's usually not programmed into my remote, but the show "Catfish" was on and I watched a little bit of it. I don't think they have videos these days, maybe an hour or two early in the a.m. They have some shows like "Rediculousness", not bad, but not great either, and reality shows abot pregnant teens, etc. Every now and then they'll have a decent movie that's semi-worth watching.

I guess VH1 has videos, but I don't care for the videos these days, mainly because I don't like the music all that much. The era when this video was out was the heyday of videos with some really crazy, visual ones.

Even CMT doesn't have that many videos, just a small block of them on in the middle of the night. Mostly it's old reruns of shows, Dukes of Hazzard and some movies that might or might not be worth watching. I HAVE been watching the old "Reba" shows and was surprised to discover just how good an actress McIntire is. I remember her in "Tremors", think it was, she did a good job in that, too.

Thanks f/ posting! Even if my saying so was a little late.