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July 13, 2013

Nights in White Satin - Justin Hayward


Barb said...

Love the Moody Blues. Some very trippy song writing in their earlier years. Thanks for the video link Mike.

Mike said...

I think I've posted this in here before, but....when I went to college, I of course knew who they were, but my second semester roomie was a HUGE music fan and particularly of the Moody Blues. Many nights we came back absolutely toasted and would put on a MB album and drift off to sleep with the one side playing over and over through the (usually short) night.

Like I said, I was familiar w/ their hits that were on the radio, but thanks to my roommate, I discovered many, many tunes that were seldom played. I think I now have all their music...am gonna check first chance I get and if I don't, then I'm gonna get the rest.

When I hear this song, it reminds me of stopping on a dark deserted road late one night; my car was overheating a little bit and I stopped to let it cool off before putting some water in the radiator. I had left the tape deck on and was standing out in the middle of the road, not a sound except for this song and no lights except for the power on the stereo, the new moon being completely blocked out by clouds, was nearly as dark as a cave. I don't know why, but I got spooked and started up the car and got out of there.

Thanks f/ posting!