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July 30, 2013

The Bike Test

You Are Confident

You've accepted yourself fully, and you're happy with where you are in life. You are extremely content.

Your gut reactions are neither negative nor positive. You tend to see both sides of issues.

You are efficient and savvy. You don't get tied down by unnecessary details.

You are very self sufficient and independent. You prefer to rely on yourself. 


Carolea said...

You've accepted yourself fully, and you're happy with where you are in life. You are extremely content.

Your gut reactions are neither negative nor positive. You tend to see both sides of issues.

You are very creative and innovative. You don't feel bound by conventions.

Challenges make you feel alive and exhilarated. You love to be in the thick of the action.

Mike said...

Same as me!

We were in Amarillo one time and saw some streetwalkers and my dad said "She should be riding a bike." I looked at him, wondering what he meant and after a bit, he said:

"Well, she's peddling her a$$ all over town...."