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Carpe Diem, all that.

July 5, 2013

I'm Definitely No Rose

Your Birth Flower is a Lily of the Valley

You have a pure happiness, joy, and goodness that others lack in this modern world.

You are a truly humble and sweet person. Your humility is not an act, and you feel very blessed in your life.

The Lily of the Valley symbolizes protection, and you are fittingly protective of those close to you.

You care deeply about what happens to those you love. You often put their interests ahead of yours.

The Lily of the Valley often represents luck in love. It's likely that you think you have been lucky in this area.

And if you haven't been lucky yet, you are still good at facilitating the luck of others. You are an excellent matchmaker. 


Carolea said...

Like a forget-me-not, you have an amazing memory. You remember so many little details that others forget.
You tend to romanticize the past. You are prone to nostalgia and thinking about the 'good old days.'

You believe in love, and you're very hopeful. You think you'll get your happy ending, even if you haven't found the right person.
You don't know why, but magical things just seem to happen to you. You've had great luck and an incredible life.

You don't regret much in your life. Your past may be rocky, but it's made you who you are today.
You are thankful for each person who has loved you in your life. You hope they remember you as much as you remember them. very Me, My niece and one Sister

Barb said...

Like a narcissus, you are beautiful and graceful. You hold your head high.
Anyone around you is feeling a little sweeter with your presence. You light up a room.

The narcissus symbolizes joyful renewals and beginnings. You are always happy to open a new chapter in your life.
You start anew with a clean slate. You try not to have any bitterness or regret about the past.

Of course, it would be remiss to not talk about the narcissism of a narcissus. It's there beneath the surface.
You have a lot to be vain about, but you try not to indulge your vanity too often. You will admit that you like the way you look though!