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Carpe Diem, all that.

July 18, 2013

Two Minutes of Hate

From the 1984 British dystopian film Nineteen Eighty-Four (also known by the name 1984), based upon the iconic novel of the same name by George Orwell.

That scene reminds me of the current discourse amongst Americans these days, getting all riled up in forums and on message boards over some so-called "controversial" issue, all while ignoring the things our "leaders" are doing while we're distracted.


Barb said...

You and I are on the same page with that observation.

Mike said...

I don't even think it's a conspiracy as such, but something our representatives have always realized. I don't remember Bush waving w/ one hand so we couldn't see what he was doing w/ the other, but I'm sure there were times when his "underlings" did that. I think Clinton went to war in Bosnia to take attention away from his scandals, and I'm also sure the past few presidents did the same.

I dislike Obama, but I'm not going to blame everything on him, because Congress, both Repubs and Dems BOTH have failed us. I sincerely doubt there's a dozen honest people "serving" us.