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July 9, 2013

Just Don't Push My Buttons

You Are Relaxed

You're not just patient, you are on 'island time' no matter what you happen to be doing.

You refuse to be in a rush or anyone or anything. It's not worth the stress. You'll get there when you get there.

Despite your seemingly lackadaisical attitude about rushing, you often get to places early. You leave with enough time.

You take everything that happens in stride. As far as you're concerned, very little is worth getting worked up about.

If you were a TV channel, you would be Discovery, BBC, or PBS. If you were a cheese, you'd be mozzarella.

If you were a store, you'd be Brooks Brothers or Banana Republic. If you were a wine, you'd be Shiraz. 


Carolea said...

You are actually a pretty busy human being. You keep your plate full with activities and responsibilities.
You use your time efficiently and wisely. You may not like to wait, but you try to do something productive while you do.

You are generally an even tempered person. You may lose your temper occasionally, but you regain your composure quickly.
You are a natural teacher, coach, or mentor. You are at your most patient when teaching someone something.

If you were a TV channel, you would be HBO or the Food Network. If you were a cheese, you'd be Fontina.
If you were a store, you'd be Nordstrom or Whole Foods. If you were a wine, you'd be Prosecco.

Mike said...

Thanks f/ posting, Carol. I see you like these quizzes, huh?

I fit my results fairly closely. I try to never be in a hurry b/c I hate it and I also hate to be late. I always leave in more than plenty of time and am almost always early.

When a checkout clerk is busy and apologizes for making me wait, I tell 'em "If I'd been in a hurry, I'd have left earlier."