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July 11, 2013

Forever and Ever, Amen-Randy Travis

Hope you get well, Randy Travis.

One of my favorite Travis tunes.

I still like this song, even though it reminds me of a relationship gone very badly. (not the song;  it's about a long-lasting love, but it was on the charts when we were dating) The woman was a huge Travis fan and it was a long while after the breakup before I could listen to him again.  His previous hits remind me of just after my divorce a few years earlier;  I'd go to the bar and sit and nurse a few beers and play "Diggin' Up Bones" and "On the Other Hand" on the jukebox...and go home alone.

My mom called me on a Sunday after one of those nights at the bar.  "Where were you last night?" she asked. "Dad and I went out to eat and wanted to take you out."  When I told her I was at the bar, she wondered "Why were you there?  You don't hardly drink!"  I told her I was hoping to meet a woman there. "Oh Michael," she sniffed in only the way mothers do when they WANT to chew you out but don't. "You won't meet a nice woman in a bar.  You should go to church, meet one there."  I allowed as that was probably the right thing to do. (and mommas are always right; even if they're not, you certainly don't tell them they aren't)  Somehow I doubted I would meet the type of woman I really wanted to meet - at that point in my life -  in church, but what the heck?

So, I started going with them to a small church they attended.  ("small" is almost too generous - the entire family, my sister, her sons and their families went one Sunday and we nearly tripled the attendance) There WERE some single women that went to the church, too.

I think the youngest one was around 70 yrs. old.

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