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July 3, 2013

The McGurk Effect

This was interesting;  I can only imagine how hard it is to have to read lips all the time.  I've worked in noisy environments, so I've had to decipher what someone is saying by watching their mouth, but it doesn't always work.  I've been told having a mustache also hinders their lips being read. (that didn't come out right, but I hope you understand what I meant.)

If you're hearing impaired, click the little white "CC" icon on the video tool bar at the bottom to enable captions.

EDIT: After posting, I tried the closed captioning and as often is the case, many of the words don't match up with what's being said. Oh well, sorry.


Carolea said...

My Mother said I taught Myself to read lips and I was just hard of hearing at first. Never had a formal lesson on it until I got older. They noticed I didn't come when called when I was far away, but figured I just didn't want to come. Then when I was 5 I went to school. As a youngest child My family had everything before I was born. Then I got everything about all at once at school. Lost some hearing from high fevers.

Mike said...

I'm glad you commented, Carol; I was "evening up" the number of comments to match the right column and left this one "hanging" down a little bit in hopes you'd see it before it disappeared from view.

It took me a minute to figure out what "family had everything before I was born" meant. I remember having chicken pox and my grandparents coming out to visit - not sure if they knew I was contagious b/c they didn't have a phone - and not understanding why my beloved Grandpa running from me. I chased him all over the yard until my mom made me stop, I thought he was playing with me! Mom explained to me that Gramps had never had most of those usual childhood diseases. I'm not sure I ever had the mumps, either. Having the pox was miserable, though and I still have a few tiny scars where I scratched the little boils.

Carolea said...

I know what I meant and take people for mind readers! Yeah I had chicken pox, mumps, measles and german measles. one right after each other. High fevers from each. Most likely any one sick wouldn't of gone to where we went. Church, town and Farmer type stuff.

Mike said...

Number of posts, I meant. I like both columns to be fairly even in length.