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August 20, 2013

Building Blaster

Note: A "bump" from August '09. I found this after checking something earlier and spent an hour playing the game. I also d/l the game to play on my computer, loads of fun!

A fun game from 2DPlay.com.

Drag explosives to desired area, press the + (plus) or - (minus) buttons to set timer, then press "detonate".

Combine explosives for more explosive power!

Here's a screenshot of one of my failures:

As you can see, I left most of it standing, but I got better after I got the knack of where to place the charges and how to stagger the time to make parts fall into others in order to get them to hit the ground.

Play Building Blaster

Also available to put on your website, but you can also download the files to be used on your own computer.


Barb said...

Now I can see where the game Angry Birds came from. ;-)

Mike said...

I was thinking of that just the other day; I never had played it and found a website that offered it, but I just couldn't get into it.

A game I used to like to play was the penguin toss, where you slingshot (or shot out of a cannon, can't remember exactly) the penguin to see how far you could make it. It was funny to watch it bounce then slide on the ice until it stopped.

I used to have a cool game, a home run derby thing. I've found similar ones, but nothing exactly like that one. There was another one w/ kids hitting in the backyard and trying to knock the ball through windows. There's something satisfying about those batting games.

I need to unpack the files for this game I d/l the other day, but I'm afraid I'll spend even more time on it than I should. I already spend far too much time playing Skip-Bo, Hearts and Red Ace Squadron Pro, the last one being the only game I ever purchased. I played the free version, then bought it when I got bored with that, then my hard drive failed. The company had gone out of business and I couldn't get another registered version from the company that took over the games. After that, I found a crack to get the full version but got to feeling guilty so I just went ahead and bought it.

Mike said...

Again. Didn't finish. Wasn't expensive, only $14.95, think, but it's a load of fun. I keep meaning to write a review of it. They had a lot of other games that were a blast to play, but they never updated them after Win98 and they won't work on any later system.

Barb said...

I still go back and play the game Bubble Bee online. I think it was Brad that shared that site originally (but I could be mistaken). That site has tons of cute online games. Very stylish layouts, but not for d/l, just for online play.