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August 29, 2013

Disgusting Quiz

You Are Disgusted Sometimes

You have a fairly thick skin. Something has to be truly revolting before it grosses you out.

You probably weren't always this way, but you've learned how to toughen up. Good for you!

It's fine to be disgusted by totally disgusting stuff. And you know better than to gross anyone out yourself.

Given enough time, you can get used to the most nauseating of situations. You can develop an iron stomach. 

The most disgusting things to me these days are politicians, although the "Bones" episode I watched yesterday came close. The show was called The Truth in the Lye, about a man found in a bathtub full of chemicals.

1 comment:

Carolea said...

same here. My sisters are very nicey nice. After living in Florida seeing roaches and all I'm used to about anything