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August 30, 2013

Snow Accounting For Stupidity

When I was active in MSN Groups, it was fun for the members of the group to gather in the chat room. It was private, restricted to only members of that group and we used to use them for weekly trivia contests, but would also sometimes set a time to meet at least once a week and catch up on what was going on in each other's lives.

I used to pop into the chat room of a group I belonged to and would find a good online friend in there all alone. He was the asst. mgr. of the group and the mgr. insisted he "open" the chat room on specific times of scheduled chat sessions. I never understood why he let her have that much control over him, but I suppose he was lonely and his online interaction was all he had.

The group had several members who would always show up for the chat and I particularly disliked one woman from Boston who would come in and try to dominate the conversation. She was childish and stupid and would often complain if the conversation was moving too fast - apparently she couldn't type fast enough to reply to every other person and it made her angry. Also, if the topic didn't interest her, she would change the subject if she could and if the topic was of anything close to being of an "adult" nature, especially about sex, she would type letters in and hold the key down, looking something like this:

My friend: Man, that movie I watched was pretty dirty for network TV.
Me: You ever see any X-rated films?
Someone Else: Oh yeah, back in college.
My friend: No.
Someone Else #2 My husband tries to get me to watch his dirty movies all the time.
Me: I saw Deep Throat right after it came out.  Was really funny.

The rest of us would stop chatting, then the woman would say "Stop that! You should be ashamed!"

Good grief.

It was then I would usually exit the chat room, along with some of the others, leaving my poor cyber-friend all alone with the puritan nutjob. I'd pop in again later and if she was gone, I'd hang around. Sometimes she'd suddenly appear on the screen again, prob. hoping to catch us talking about something naughty. I saw her chew out some women who were talking about the problems of finding a bra that fit. "DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT IN FRONT OF THE MEN!!!!!!" she "shouted" in all-caps.

One time, my pal asked me if we'd had any snow. He lived in Kansas, about two hundred miles north of me. I told him not as much as they had received, only a dusting. The woman was in the room and weather wasn't a taboo subject, but she certainly didn't want anyone else talking about THEIR weather.

"We had a smegma of snow." she announced. "Made the streets a little slick." I sat there for a few seconds, rubbed my eyes, wondering if I had really seen what I thought I had seen. She rambled on some more, but I interrupted her.

"A 'smegma'?" I asked. "Yes," she replied. "That's the word we use for 'light dusting' up here in Boston." I could almost hear her saying that in her holier-than-thou, superior manner. I couldn't let it go.

"You sure about that?" I asked. "Yes." she sniffed, probably thinking I was some ignorant Texan fool.

Now, you may or may not know what Smegma is, but if not, follow that link to the Wikipedia article and you'll see what it is....and how much delight I took in telling her what smegma really was. Yup, I'm sure it made the streets slick.


Carolea said...

ROFL We had people like that in chat.One time I got kicked from a room for telling a Newbie what LMAO meant.

Mike said...

When I first got online, one of the first things I did - on the recommendation of the person sitting next to me at the library- was go into a TalkCity chat room. (that's where I met elle) It was right before the 2000 elections and with one moderator, Heaven forbid if you weren't going to vote f/ Gore. I got kicked out several times until I figured out how to get multiple identities or sign in as "Guest".

That was also the same time JFK Jr. crashed his plane and they were all going on about what a tragedy is was. I've never been a fan of the Kennedys, but all I said was he was foolish for flying in those conditions w/out the proper training and the real tragedy was two others had to die b/c of his stupidity. Got the boot. Got booted another time when the subject was rattlesnake hunts and THAT just reminded me of something else that happened, going to write a post on it, it's even funnier than this one.

Thanks f/ posting!

Barb said...

Chat and quiz were fun but I guess I didn't go to that particular chat as I can't recall anyone quite that much of a prude.
Speaking of smegma, your post reminded me that I have to give the horses their seasonal under belly "bath". Off to find the rubber gloves! ;-)

Mike said...

I don't remember the name of it, can't even think of any word that was in the title. It wasn't a very large group, but I really liked the guy that was the asst. mgr., he and I got along famous, both had had back surgeries, both been divorced, both of us lonely guys. I didn't much like the mgr. and once, after I had told that prude how much of an a-hole she was, tried chewing me out but my buddy took up f/ me, told her the prude deserved it.

Just remembered his nickname "Hiwayman". I've got his email address in my Hotmail acct. but the last time I tried contacting him, the mail bounced back.

The thing I most remember about him was his good heart and generous nature, but also that those traits weren't good in certain situations. As I recall, he was still subsidizing the adult daughter of an ex or ex-g/f. I finally talked him into saying "NO!" to her b/c he was having problems getting by, being on worker's comp from his back injury.

Mike said...

That was really poorly written; went back through and at least corrected some obvious spelling errors. Only excuse was I banged it out in about five minutes.