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Carpe Diem, all that.

August 12, 2013

Food Cart Quiz

You Are a Crepe Food Cart

You are easygoing yet sophisticated. You have great taste, but you don't make a fuss about it.

You can make do and fit in anywhere, but you still maintain your individuality. Your friends envy your confidence and attitude.

Of all the types, you are both the most skilled and adventurous. You are curious about the world and constantly learning from it.

You don't fear much in life, except boredom and mediocrity. You are driven to be the best you possible.

You have a very success focused personality, but your idea of success is constantly evolving and differs from those around you.

For example, you might not find having a high powered but stressful career to be successful. You're more of the do what you love and travel the world type. 


Carolea said...

You are a charming, lovable, and funny person. You aren't ordinary - and you wouldn't ever want to be.
You believe every day is special, and you treat yourself as much as you can. You love to break out of routine.

You're still a kid at heart, and you wish others still had the youthful ability to just go with it and have fun.
You aren't uptight enough to worry about the calories in ice cream. You don't sweat the small stuff.

Whenever you have the chance, you do your best to make yourself happy. You feel like you can get through anything.
You may be childlike, but you aren't naive. You know your positivity helps you survive and thrive.

Mike said...

Ice cream cart?