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Carpe Diem, all that.

August 18, 2013

I'm No Doormat

You Have Balanced Boundaries

You are a kind hearted soul, and you never want to do anyone harm... and that includes yourself.

For the things that don't matter, you are very live and let live. But you do have your breaking point.

Of all the types, you struggle the most with what to do in any complicated situation. You weigh your options carefully.

And while you may make mistakes occasionally, you do a good job sticking up for yourself without going overboard.

You are an active and engaged person who is very concerned with doing the correct thing. You try to take the high road.

While you may be forceful when it's time to stand up for what's right, you always do so with respect and dignity. 

Nope, not a doormat, but if I was, I'd look like this:


Carolea said...

You can't help but be a compassionate and caring person. You give others the benefit of the doubt.
You don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or rock the boat if you can avoid it. You try to keep the peace.

While your easygoing ways are admirable, you take them a bit too far. You become an enabler of bad behavior.
Others often seek you out simply because they know you won't challenge them when they're acting out.

Your doormat behavior is not just hurting yourself... it's hurting those around you. It's time to take a stand.
You don't have to be mean or even harsh. But you need to learn how to put your foot down when a boundary is being crossed.~~~~ My Dad used to say they saw Ya a coming~

Mike said...

Aw, there's good and bad to that, Beary; The bad part is letting people take advantage, but the good part is that it seems your kind and trusting nature is why your online friends love you so much.

Carolea said...

Thank You Mike