Welcome to ToTG!

A late good evening!
Not much left of it now.

August 30, 2013


Out of all the Time Wasters we've posted - or will post - RRR GGG BBB is the least interesting and probably the one that the least time will be wasted viewing it.

(If you spend more than a minute on the page - Congratulations!  You're more easily amused than me!)

Scroll over the R - G - B graphic and the letters will be spoken in a mechanical (creepy) voice and the background will change to the corresponding color. Do it quickly enough, and you might induce an epileptic seizure.



Carolea said...

It is kinda cool.

Barb said...

I couldn't get out of there fast enough! That was the aural equivalent to chewing on tinfoil. (No offence meant Mike, I know you just post 'em not make 'em.)

Mike said...

I didn't like it either, just put it in f/ comic relief. Got some much better ones coming up.

Might not post much, either here on on Facebook. I've been cutting/pulling weeds all week and my poor old hands are swollen. Hurts like hell to type.

Mike said...

Post much in next few days, should have said.

sharintexas said...

That thing made my head hurt and my teeth rattle. I clicked out of there as fast as I could. I can't help but wonder why people do stuff like that. Maybe cause people like me go look at it?