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August 3, 2013

Get Outta My Way - The Dirt Daubers

If the pretty, voluptuous middle dancer with multiple tattoos looks familiar, then you're probably a fan of American Pickers on History. Her name is Danielle Colby-Cushman and she "plays" the office manager on the show.


Barb said...

Burlesques is making a big comeback around these parts. There are a couple of local troupes in the Boston, Portsmouth area. We went to a show and it was a blast.

Mike said...

Always wanted to go to one of those shows; most people think it's like a strip show, but it's just barely "naughty". I watch American Pickers sometimes and really like Danielle, just wish she didn't have all those tats. She's got a lovely face and figure and *some* of the tats, esp. those on her upper chest, detract from that. Oh well, it's her body and I've read they each mean something to her but I think she'd be more attractive w/ a few less. (and I'm sure I'm too old and ugly for her anyway, so...-grin-)

Thanks f/ posting!

Barb said...

You are right on the spot with Burlesque shows. If you ever get a chance to go you'd really enjoy it.

Agree with you about Danielle & the tats. All that colored ink so close to her face takes away from her over good looks in my opinion.,

Mike said...

The "necklace" tat is the one most disconcerting to me. You know me, I'm a conservative politically (for the most part) but I'm liberal in most things socially. I remember all too well about the stigma long hair had when I was a kid; we senior boys were told we had to get hair cuts in order to graduate...our hair? It was barely over the ears and hanging down over the collar. I always resented that.

I remember a well service hand working on one of dad's wells one summer. I recognized one of the guys as a star football player from here in town. Dad said he was a great hand, they needed more like him, then was berating me to get a haircut (was about the length mentioned above). During lunch, he took his hard hat off and his hair came down to the middle of his back. I was laughing, but dad learned a good lesson that day, that appearances don't always tell the entire story.

That's the way it is with Danielle - of course, it's a TV show and I don't know what she's really like in "real life" but I bet she's nice and sweet and is a good person. Her tats don't "bother" me, I just think they're too much/too many. People are just getting crazy with 'em these days. I believe Jews think it's a mortal sin to get one, but I don't really subscribe to that, but....who knows? I guess there's not many of us who treat our body as a "temple", huh?