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Carpe Diem, all that.

August 15, 2013

Kidding Around

You Were an Intuitive Kid

As a kid, your power element was water. You were a very balanced and intuitive kid.

You were probably always more emotionally mature than the children around you. You may have found it easier to relate to adults than most kids.

And while it may have been hard for you to relate to the kids around you, it's likely you had a very close friend or two.

Deep connections were important to you from an early age, and you were the type most able to form a 'BFF' bond with someone.

As a kid, you saw things in the abstract. You did best when you were able to daydream, play, create, and engage your imagination.

You probably found it challenging to sit still in a structure classroom. You may not have made trouble, but your mind was likely elsewhere. 


Carolea said...

As a kid, your power element was water. You were a very balanced and intuitive kid.
You were probably always more emotionally mature than the children around you. You may have found it easier to relate to adults than most kids.

And while it may have been hard for you to relate to the kids around you, it's likely you had a very close friend or two.
Deep connections were important to you from an early age, and you were the type most able to form a 'BFF' bond with someone.

As a kid, you saw things in the abstract. You did best when you were able to daydream, play, create, and engage your imagination.
You probably found it challenging to sit still in a structure classroom. You may not have made trouble, but your mind was likely elsewhere.

Mike said...

I don't remember a lot about it, but both my sisters were in school when I was 2-6 yrs. old and I had to entertain myself. I don't remember a lot about that time, but I do remember my mom giving me a bunch of old spices to go play scientist. I remember my dad stopping by (he worked right there where we lived on the lease) and seeing me on top of the cellar mixing up things, prob. thinking (hoping not) I was playing "house" or something. He went and got me a little bit of vinegar and baking soda and showed me how they reacted fairly violently when mixed together, that was the coolest thing.

I also remember having an imaginary friend...not that I remember "Baby John" but I think I invented him b/c I didn't want anyone to think I was as lonely as I was. I was always so glad to see my sisters when they got off the bus, esp. my oldest sister Sharon, she always had time f/ me.

Other than imaginary friends, I had our animals to play with. We had a little dog named "Tina" and I remember her rolling in the oil-treated dirt (this was a LONG time before the EPA) and looking like she enjoyed it...so I did it too! We both got baths!

Another pastime I enjoyed was playing w/ my big ol' Blackie cat. We has scissortails in the elms ringing our yard and when he'd walk under them, they'd dive bomb him. He'd just amble along nonchalantly until they started swooping so close that they'd graze the fur on his back and then he'd spring into the air, all limbs flailing with claws extended. He didn't succeed all that often, but he supplemented his diet that way. He was a good mouser and hunter, often bringing back rabbits and he once woke us up fighting a bobcat in our driveway.

Thanks for posting!

Mike said...

Gosh, I really needed to proof that before sending.