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August 28, 2013

Hank & Marie Watch Miley Cyrus

Absolutely brilliant combination of two current Internet hot topics:  the Miley Cyrus performance at the VMAs and Hank and Marie watching Walt's "confession" video on the last episode of Breaking Bad.

This *might* stretch the G-rating of this blog, but it's too funny to pass up.


Barb said...

Like the rest of us, they are just realizing they can't un-see that!

Mike said...

I watched the Miley video just because there was so much buzz about it. I wasn't "offended" because I realize why she was doing it - just to create some buzz and to keep her flagging career relevant.

I watched a video of her on tour and her dad had called, worried b/c he hadn't heard from her in a while. She spoke to him horribly and I made a prediction then that she would probably go the Lindsey Lohan route and we'd be reading about her lovers, failed marriage and stints in rehab.

What bothers me is that she's no more talented or pretty (and in a lot of cases, less) than thousands of other girls, yet b/c of her name and good luck (and Disney), she has had a career she really doesn't deserve.

Breaking Bad is a fantastic show, one of the best I've ever seen. I gave up on it early in the first season, mainly b/c it made me uncomfortable, but I should have suffered through my discomfort. (and there were outside influences that kept me from watching it at the time) I've got all the episodes and have been catching up on what I missed. Brilliant writing, fantastic plot with twists you can't see coming and excellent acting. I haven't yet seen a bad episode.