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August 11, 2013

Aqualung - Jethro Tull

Certain songs bring back vivid memories of the time they were popular/on the charts and even though this song came out in 1971, this one reminds me of the late 70's, when I was just married and happy.  Jethro Tull was a favorite of my new bride; not particularly one of mine, but I did like the few chart toppers the group had, this being one of them. The marriage didn't last all that long and after we had been divorced for a year or two, we decided we'd like to see each other again and took a trip down to Austin.  Riding along the interstate, I was digging around in her music and had to smile when I saw several Jethro Tull albums in her mobile collection. I got her to plug Aqualung
into her cassette deck and we zipped along the highway, trying to recapture something that had been lost.We failed, but the try was worth the effort.

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