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August 10, 2013

The Brad Pitt Rule

I'm WAY past my dating prime - if I ever had a "prime" - but I thought this video was cute. It's from The Art of Manliness, a site I recently started subscribing to in my reader. I discovered it when searching for alternative necktie knots (at least more than the single one I've relied upon for years) and spent an hour or two on the site, looking at some of the other informative articles of interest to men.

Sadly, my dating days are mostly over. I'll have to depend upon a woman literally falling into my lap (and wanting to stay there) because I'm certainly not going to impress a lady with my wealth (I have none, and my standards are still high enough to where I wouldn't want a woman who wanted me only for my money. If I ever hit the lottery, I'll get back to you on that.) and certainly can't get a favorable first impression with the way I dress (I'm basically a slob) or my looks (my looks can be described as something between Mel Gibson and Homer Simpson).

The last time I tried to pick up a woman was several years ago when I stopped at a bar to have a beer and saw a cute young thing standing at the jukebox. Working up the courage that only alcohol can provide - in my case - I sidled up next to her and said "Where have you been all my life?" (I never claimed to be smooth.)

She stepped back, slowly looked at me from head to toe and said:

"From the looks of you, I wasn't even around for the first half of it."

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