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Carpe Diem, all that.

August 16, 2013

What's a Big Brother For?

I just got this in my Gmail account, the one I use for most everything. (I have statements and announcements from them sent to Gmail.)They're referring to my AT&T/Yahoo provided email account, one I never use...and am glad of it. Gmail has its own privacy concerns, but they've never altered my address book.

On one hand, it's good that I don't have invalid email addresses in my address book, but on the other I don't like them making changes w/out my approval, esp. deleting information. 

1984, you got here a little late, but I was hopin' you'd never get here at all.


Barb said...

That's just creepy!

Mike said...

I thought it was too, Barb. It was bad enough having ads in Google mail matching what was in the text of what I had written*, but I really don't like anyone/anything messing w/ my email acct.

*I had sent an email to a nephew showing him a Mustang for sale and I got car ads, some specific to Ford Mustangs. There were lots of other instances. I've got AdBlock now and even if they serve them up, I don't see them.