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July 3, 2008

Burnin' the Bricks Part XIII

Some cool auto artwork from the June 14, 2008 "Burnin' the Bricks" car show in Pampa:

I believe I wouldn't tailgate this guy.

July 1, 2008

June 30, 2008

Harden My Heart - Quarterflash

Noticed a hit on this, came to this post and saw the vid had been taken down. I found another, so enjoy! (while you can!)

1955 Texas Literary Map

Click on map for much larger view:

From the Library of Congress website.

You can d/l the large version (8+mb / .jp2)
(bottom left link)

I'm the same age as this map.

June 29, 2008

Roberts County Sunset

And the rains are coming.

West of Miami, Texas