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September 26, 2008

Somewhere In Time

Yesterday (Sept. 25) was Christopher Reeve's birthday. He passed away on Oct. 10, 2004.

September 25, 2008

Quote of the Day

And is it ever:

That government is best which governs least.
- Thomas Paine

Silly Presidential Poll

Classmates.com sent me a silly little poll so I gave them silly little answers.

The Israelites - Desmond Dekker

September 24, 2008


A long, little doggie.

Fall Has Fell

Your Autumn Test Results

You are a energetic, warm, optimistic person. You approach everything with a lot of enthusiasm.

When you are happiest, you are calm. You appreciate tradition and family. You enjoy feeling cozy.

You tend to be afraid of change. You are never ready for things to be different.

You find solitude to be the most comforting thing in the world. Being alone with your thoughts feels very peaceful.

Your ideal day is active and full. You like to keep busy with your favorite things, and you appreciate a routine.

You are very impatient. You spend more time waiting for something than actually enjoying it.