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August 24, 2007

Stormy Weather

Once again the Panhandle is getting a storm rolling off the mountains in New Mexico. The large tstorm just developing over the top of me looks like the worst will be to the east, but there are other storms developing off to the west.

The sky is ominously dark off to the south, and I'm thinking that maybe the storm clouds behind the Groom Cross might make for a stunning photograph.

Then again, they have hail, strong winds and frequent lightning strikes. That reminds me, I need to see if the builder of the cross knows if it's been hit by lightning. I'm sure it's grounded, but the tall structure should still be a magnet for lightning, wouldn't you think?

My Angel

If you know me you also know that I love to take photos of the Groom Cross and in particular the angel atop the empty tomb. I've posted some of these photos before, but wanted to include them in this presentation.

Looking towards the northeast, you can get the cross and the tomb and angel all into the same shot. I really don't like the trees that were planted and "spoil" the bottom part of the view of the large cross.

I prefer to have the cross at my back and take photos nearly due west. I have to be careful because there are some ugly radio towers in the background.

I love it when there are clouds behind her.

And sometimes I like to photograph her head on, facing nearly due north.

My favorite time to photograph her is in the late evenings, near sunset; I am almost always enthralled the way the sun, the clouds and the sky frame the shot.

And sometimes I like to take the same photograph from the same perspective, but shoot with a different setting, such as in black and white:

It sounds silly, but sometimes when my days are dark and dreary I think of her and a ray of sunshine pierces my gloomy mood.

I think of how achingly beautiful she can be with the setting sun creating a halo of pure dazzling white against the azure sky, a few wisps of clouds disappearing with the light.

I never could get very close to her, though; using zoom gave me the best detail I could get from the ground, even standing on a stepladder I sometimes take with me.

Early one Sunday morning, I got up and over there around sunrise. I wanted to get some closeups of her, without anyone around because I had in mind climbing out on top of the "tomb" structure -- where there's a sign that asks people NOT to climb on it.

I felt a little odd doing something like this, at a place I love (and would hate to be banned from), but I also felt obsessed with looking into the statue's face.

A few weeks earlier, I had mentioned to a woman in the gift shop that the angel was one of my favorite things to photograph out there. She told me that before the tomb "exhibit" was finished, the angel was stored in the store. She said people would put their babies in the angel's arms and take photos. I thought that a touching story.

With camera in hand, I climbed out on the slippery fake rock, slick with the morning dew. I nearly fell a couple of times, but got close to "my" angel. I was nearly there!

I jumped down into her little "niche", the cubbyhole where she was mounted and where the lights and wiring for the tomb were hidden.

She was as beautiful as I thought she would be; I sat there in the cool Texas dawn, staring at her, oblivious to the noise of the truck traffic on nearby I-40. Something was SO familiar about her and then it hit me so hard that I nearly fell off the structure.

She looks JUST LIKE my ex-wife!

This is where I'd normally say something like "But my ex was no angel!" but that would be a lie, at least hateful and undeserved. She put up with me for over five years, and if she's not going to be an angel, she at least qualifies for sainthood, bless her.

Groom Cross Photo

Since I've uploaded hundreds of photos of the Groom Cross to the 'net, from several posts in MSN Groups, to Webshots, to Photobucket and to here, I was wondering if Google had indexed/trawled any of my photos.

A search showed none of mine, but I did run across a website with a photo taken from an airplane flying fairly close overhead. It's an older photograph, and it doesn't show the fountain that's now there or the Last Supper exhibit, but it shows the entire location.

Safety Dance - Men in Hats

Snap Shots

Put in a new little widget from Snap Shots, will preview the links for you before you click, sort of like the Windows Live! does.

Lemme know what you think.

In Each Life...

A little rain must fall.

I think there's been more this summer than for the rest of my life combined.

Here comes one of those wicked little t-storms (just to the left of the arrow) and it's just now parking itself atop my house (and leaky roof)

August 23, 2007

I'm With the General

From the desk of Gen. Chuck Yeager:

Congressman Duncan Hunter is the best candidate for President of the United States of America - he has integrity, tenacity, courage, and diplomacy. He is intelligent and thoughtful, does his research and acts on it. He is the only candidate who has the best of Ronald Reagan's character and politics

I have known Congressman Duncan Hunter for over 35 years. Duncan Hunter has served his country not only in Congress, but also in the Army. In Vietnam, he served in one of the most dangerous outfits - the 173rd Airborne Brigade and the 75th Army Rangers, on advance recce teams of three on patrol from their unit, at night.

Duncan Hunter is the former and very effective Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and I am proud to be the Honorary Chair of the Congressman Duncan Hunter for President Committee.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Official Duncan Hunter for President site