Welcome to ToTG!

March 22, 2008

Eggzactly Right

What Your Easter Egg Says About You

You are truly optimistic, open, and hopeful.

And your optimism gives you the courage to live life adventurously.

You love new experiences, ideas, and challenges.

You see life as a fluid, growing process.

High Tide

This is an animated campaign ad done by some supporters of Ron Paul. I think it's brilliantly done, and of course, the message is true...and frightening.

To view a higher resolution version, please visit the video creator's website

When I started this blog, I thought of adding more political views and commentary than I have, but decided that I would rather make it a bit more light-hearted and not so serious. I think I'll keep to the same format, but this vid impressed me so much, I couldn't help but post it.

March 21, 2008


No, not a scandal, but a gate my friend Joe made for the entrance to his dad's place.

Old Combine at Sunset

South of Miami, Texas

March 20, 2008

Cow #189

At my friend's dad's place, just south of Miami.