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July 6, 2010

Weather or Not

These quizzes have any validity to them, this one made me smile because "Sunny" was my mom's nickname in my MSN Group and the few forums in which she participated.

You Are Sunny

You are an upbeat, positive person who refuses to get too down in the dumps.

You realize that life is short, and you know you're going to try to have as much fun as possible!

You try to laugh, play, and love every day. You believe that happiness is a choice.

You take your responsibilities seriously, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself in the process.

On a related weather note, it sure has been unseasonably cool lately. The recent rains have had a lot to do with it, but the highs lately haven't been above the high 80's and today's high will be 85.

1 comment:

sharintexas said...

I got back from Vegas about a week ago and it was 107 and 108 there most every day. That was brutal trying to walk from place to place with all that concrete. Good thing the casinos were air-conditioned. If you have to lose your money you should at least be comfortable! LOL!