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March 7, 2011

A Little Concerned

Opened up my GMail acct. early this morning and found the spam folder more full than usual. I didn't save any of the msgs. but a large number were both to and from the acct. along with "bounced" emails with the CC containing every address in my addy book and even more that I have no idea where they came from (such as old ones I never use, some created for MSN Groups, such as 4R Mgrs and Smiliemail)

Checking the details of account activity, I saw that someone in Spain had accessed my account. I immediately changed the password and had it sign out of all other accounts. Here's the IP number:

Checking on the IP# at an online IP Lookup site, it gave the originating domain, but clicking on the link gave me a "page not found".

I hope none of my friends w/ valid email accounts will be affected. I have no idea how my account was compromised - I keep my Firefox browser up-to-date, as well as the Java, Flash and Shockwave apps updated.

Again, if you get spam from "me" or any other accounts that were in my address book, I'm really sorry. I'm always extremely careful about my online security.


Barb said...

Happened to me a while back with my work email ( which is gmail in disguise) Guess what I'm sayin' is it happens to everyone, no matter how careful ya are.

Mike said...

If it were not for the notice of activity from Google, I'd think that maybe it was my Hotmail account that was accessed. I did set it up to have my HM mail sent to my mikeintexas Gmail acct, so maybe that has something to do with it. The reason I say that is that my mom's old ISP addy is included and I am fairly certain I didn't get a Gmail acct. until after she passed away. Also, remember what's her name that was in 4R, the pagan/witch? At a loss f/ her nickname, but her address was included too, and I'm positive she never mailed me at the Gmail addy, and isn't in the address book.

Just got four more in the junk mail folder and didn't recognize a few of the addresses. This kind of stuff just pisses me off and really would if my friends started getting spammed from it.

Mike said...

Well, it didn't take long to find out the probable culprit - Facebook. I was connected via the MSN Spaces w/ FB. I checked, and most of the addresses in the CC line were NOT in my Gmail address book, but were from Hotmail. I unticked everything, but the damage is done. I don't know what application I used that permitted the access - the only one I remember permitting was Amazon, and I deleted that one just the other day before these mails came.

I HATE those FB applications - don't like that they not only want my information, but that of my FB friends. Facebook has such a horrible reputation for security anyway - if it weren't for the interaction w/ some of my kinfolk and old Group friends, I wouldn't use it. I think I will spend more time with my blog - sure have neglected it lately.

sharintexas said...

I got some e-mail from your account, but deleted them when I didn't see anything personal. The same thing happened to me and you thought that was something connected with Facebook too. I hope there's some validity to karma and the spammers will get theirs some day.

Mike said...

Yeah sis, I'm sorry. I keep getting bounced emails - have had a couple from an old koolemail one I had used just for a Passport in Groups, a few others. I even got a bounced mail from notifications@groups.man.com.

The Hotmail address book being used remains a mystery - like I said, I did have the HM mails fwd to Gmail, but I did check and the addresses weren't in the book. UNLESS while the spammer had access, he deleted those addys after he had nabbed them - only thing I can think of. Nothing seemed to be amiss w/ HM acct - the one I used to use until changing over w/ this one.

Oh well, again I'm sorry. I manage to get the occ. spam w/ my ISP acct. and I've never given that one out to anyone that I can recall and certainly don't use it to sign up f/ anything. I think I'll mosey on over to Hotmail again and change my Password there. Might be a case of "locking the barn after the cows are out" but....

Mike said...

Oh yeah, that woman's nickname was "Moonraven". Haven't thought of her much at all in years.