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September 11, 2014

Never Forget

WTC photo world_trade_center_lg_wht-1.gif


Alison said...

This morning I read quite a few articles about this event , after the years that have passed it still feels so horrifying to me like it did on the day , one of the most horrific attrocities to have happened in my lifetime for sure.
I was reading how the total of deaths were still being changed as they have added unborn babies that with their mothers ,and I think some of the people that were just being identified after so long through the DNA found , I found it a little sad that a lot of victims family found it hard to accept their loved one may have jumped to their deaths instead of waiting for the inevitable , some families refusing to believe it , i presume that their beliefs may have something to do with this as in thinking of it as 'suicide' being the ultimate sin ? I don't know of course what I would have done but I would imagine I would have jumped and never would have thought it being suicide , but I pray that all the relatives of these victims find peace and strength , We sure will never forget .

Mike said...

I was listening to my favorite talk radio program earlier and the host has asked his listeners for their memories of that day. There were several people who called in who worked for airlines, particularly American. (Dallas is headquarters for several airlines)

My friend Helen had just been over to see me, staying about two weeks and she didn't want to go home. She had checked to see if she could change the departure date of her ticket, but couldn't. She was terrified of flying and 9/11 helped magnify those fears. Anyway...if she had stayed, she would have been "trapped" here in the U.S. until flights were allowed again.

Personally, I like to think I'm knowledgeable and fair in regards to America's foreign policy, i.e. I can understand some of the resentment we get b/c of the things we have done in the past. IOW, I can understand the "blowback" we get. This attack was still a shock to me. There came into being a saying: "I learned all I need to know about Islam on 9/11." Not entirely true, but the message is understood.

I was sad until I saw the people jumping to their deaths, then I got furious and it still fills me full of rage. Yes, I've seen people say those folks were damning themselves, but I think that's hogwash. God would prefer you burn to death instead of choosing something quicker...yet still horrifying? (just the other day I burned myself trying to put out a cig in an ashtray that stubbornly was still burning and while it wasn't all that bad, just a red mark and no blister, it still hurt enough to make me think about how horrific it must be to suffer those burns across more of one's body.)

There's a chilling documentary called "The Falling Man" - the video can be found on YouTube and other places across the 'net. Here's the low-quality version: 9/11 - The Falling Man You can find other, shorter versions of the clip in the right-hand column.

While I'm on the subject, 9/11 "Truthers" are among the most deluded people alive. Were there things the govt. didn't tell us, were there things they covered up? I think so, but I don't think Bush/Cheney planned it or there was some great Zionist plot.
We need to knock these people in the head, put them out of their misery and in doing so, improve the human gene pool.

Thanks for posting.