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Showing posts with label games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label games. Show all posts

June 1, 2009


Annihilate all of the positive and negative balls on each level. Balls are annihilated when they collide with a ball of the opposite polarity. Pick the available balls from the tray and place anywhere above the radiation line. Click on the PLAY button (top tight corner) to set the balls in motion.


May 15, 2009

Tint the Twister!

Color a cowboy riding a tornado at the NWS weather site:

From the site:

A wild ride for sure! However, tornadoes are nothing you can play around. If you hear a tornado warning for your area or see a tornado, take cover immediately a well-built building or house.

(I'm sure they meant to say take cover "in"...not sure I would want to stick around to cover a building or house, well-built or not)

Color the picture by clicking on a color swatch at the bottom of the image then click on the image where you want to apply that color. Color off-line by downloading and printing the pdf version.

That cowboy has the biggest nose of any I've ever seen.

I'm not sure I should even mention his saddle horn.

April 3, 2009



BallDroppings instructions:

Turn your sound up.
Draw lines on the black screen to bounce the balls.
Enjoy the music.

February 10, 2009

Fly Swatter Game

Grab the fly swatter then whack as many flies as you can.

Hang it up to get your score.

Almost as much fun as the real thing, but without the mess.

Play Fly Swatter

January 3, 2009




One of the best "time-wasters" I've ever seen. There's something hypnotic about watching the acrobots twirl in the air and then "caught" by one lower down.

Adjust the gravity with the slider control, the background color with the light bulb and add or take-away acrobots with the postive/negative icons. If they're not moving fast enough for you, flip them over with the arrow circle.

September 30, 2008

Steal the Cookie

Play Steal the Cookie, a nifty little game from Kashi.com: Snoop around the kitchen with a magnifying glass, get the hints and use them to put the cookie ingredients in the right order and win a free cookie!

I'm not saying how long it took me to suss it out. I probably wouldn't have played if I had known I could've just filled out the form and got the cookie, anyway.

September 29, 2008

Table Tennis

From the same folks who brought you Play With Spider, here's a fun table tennis game.

"Fun" is relative, I suppose. It was still fun, even though it kicked my butt. I have played it three times and managed to increase my score by one each time. I've never played it TOO long, but the last score was 63-3.

Play Table Tennis

September 27, 2008

Play With Spider

A creepy flash application.

A spider is crawling on a map. Use the slider bars at the top right hand corner to change the color of the spider, its height and leg length, the speed at which it crawls, many other variables. Use the space button to feed it insects.

Good Grief. If only there was a "rolled up newspaper" button, I'd like it more.

Play With Spider

June 16, 2008

Bionic Assessment Test

See What You're Made Of - Visit The Official Site

Skip the intro. if you like.

I really sucked at this; there's a typing sort of test, but mine wouldn't work, so I got a zero for that portion.

I'm 100% flesh & blood, except for my head...that's made of wood.

June 13, 2008

Help Feed the Hungry

Play a neat word game at Free Rice and for every word you get correct, they will donate rice to help feed the hungry.

Thanks to Barb for sending me this link! (((hugs)))

April 26, 2008

Perfect Trip

Not only nearly a perfect game (a "perfect" one wouldn't have allowed any points) but a perfect "trip".

When I was a kid, we had the Milles Bornes card game and me 'n my sisters and mom would play. The object of the game is to "travel" 1000 miles ('milles bornes" means "a thousand miles" in French) before one's opponents. It takes a "Go" card to start the trip, then mileage cards can be played. Your progress can be stopped by a "Stop" or an accident, out-of-gas or flat tire card and one must play a "remedy" card ("Go", repairs, gas, spare tire). If someone lays -for example- a flat tire on you and you have the "Puncture Proof" card, then you get extra points and they lose their turn, a "coup-fourré ". (which is French for "I kicked your butt". Actually, I think it's a fencing term)

I stumbled across a download for the game several years/computers ago and have installed it on each new computer as soon as I got online. I'm not for sure where one could find this same, exact game, but it should be easy enough to Google and find.

I'd be glad to send anyone the application (300kb) via email. It's really a blast to play.

October 19, 2007

Minesweeper Cheat

Open Minesweeper, then press:


Then hold down the "Shift" button for a few seconds.

Now, place your cursor over a box and if there's a mine, there will be a dark spot in the top left-hand corner of your browser window. A light blue, or nearly white pixel means it's safe to choose that square.

This is akin to cheating at solitaire, but it might be a great way to win a bet; tell someone you've never been beaten at Minesweeper, then do this and take their money amaze them.

I just do it because I don't think I've ever won a single game at Minesweeper.

September 8, 2007

It's Your Turn

To feed the dog:

Drag 'n drop the items into the "dog's" mouth.

August 25, 2007

Bust for Lust

NOTE: The game no longer exists at the site, sorry 'bout that. I should take this post down, but it would involve going back through 5+ yrs. of posts and I don't want to do that. I'm not sorry 'bout that, not at all.

Bust for Lust game screenshot

Can you help this guy sneak a peek at his beauty without getting caught?

How to Play...

Use your mouse to guide the guys head left or right making sure she doesn't see you sneaking a peak.

If she catches you peeking down her blouse, expect a big beer can to hit you on top of the head.

Pretty much like real life.

Play Bust for Lust

July 21, 2007

June 26, 2007

I Gotta Have Hearts

I love to play Hearts. I've never played at any of the online games websites; I wouldn't want to play against "real" people, even if it WAS "only online".

I've had a few perfect games, but this was the very last game I played, not ten minutes ago. I especially love to make ALL of the other "players" break 100 and I did that with this game. It was worth a screenshot.

(I've an online friend who every now 'n then gets a screenshot of an exceptional game from me. She said her late father loved the game and was good at it; I never met the man, but I think of him sometimes when I start to play. Love ya Barb!)

I'm not a great player because I sometimes don't remember the cards that have been played, although I'm getting better. (short-term memory loss, hmmm.....) The game would probably be better if there was some way to view the number of tricks each "player" has. I could better prevent another "player" from catching all the tricks (and there's probably some term for that, but I don't know it; I've never played the game against human opponents)

I say "player" because I am playing against the computer, and I don't know how the game is programmed, but I feel as though it's 3 against 1 sometimes. On a previous computer, I had altered the registry as so when I used some hotkeys, it would reveal the other three's hands.

The names of my opponents aren't from the Disney ducks, but inspired by the 1972 movie Silent Running with Bruce Dern. Dern's character names his helper droids on the greenhouse space station after the Disney characters.

And that would be a rare instance of the use of a second-hand nickname.