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August 22, 2007

Double My Fame!

Yep, that's right; one of my photos is going to be featured (AGAIN - woohoo!) on the KVII News at Five and is featured on their website home page. (also in the community section archives)

I'm nearly famous, huh?

When you submit a photo, you can also submit a caption and it is read by the news anchor doing the photo of the day commentary. I put this with the pic:

Groom Cross through a thin thicket of thistles thirsting for last Thursday's thunderstorm

If they can read that without stumbling, then they're probably ready for a larger market, maybe even Des Moines.

The way I got it figured, if I can get them to publish 58 more pictures, I'll have my fifteen minutes of fame in fifteen second increments.

August 21, 2007

Tuesday Afternoon - The Moody Blues

Food Buying Facts

10 Things Your Grocery Store Doesn't Want You to Know

A year spent working in a grocery store has altered my own buying habits. I've also quit eating certain items and am extremely careful when buying many others.

A Sculpture by Ron Mueck