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August 17, 2007

Here Come da Storms

(screenshot from composite reflectivity loop at NWS)

See the red spot, just to the right and beneath Borger? That's me. One ten square mile tstorm and it's parked right atop my house. (and leaky roof)

Guess this is the weather coming in from the front of Hurricane Dean. Usually afternoon tstorms blow in from the southwest, but this is coming in straight from the Gulf of Mexico, southeast.

I used to roughneck with a guy named Dean; we called him "Birdlegs" because...well... Several years later, I started dating a young woman who was married, but he hadn't been around in years and years and come to find out, it was the same guy.

"Hurricane Dean". That doesn't sound so tough, but it's wreaking havoc in the Carib.

It rained SO heavy for about two minutes a little while ago, I could barely see the houses across the street. Now the streets are flooded and the water is running at a rate I'd hate to try to wade through.

I sort of like rainy weather, unless I constantly have to work out in it, then it's not much fun, at least not slogging through the mud. That same woman I spoke of up above lived in a little apt. that had a corrugated tin roof, ugly but functional and I liked to listen to the sound of the rain when I was over there. I was a little worried about lightning hitting the metal roof though.

Ever been camping in a tent and having to stay inside it while it rained? Maybe the new nylon and composite tents are better, but back when I was a kid, the canvas types shed water pretty good, but you could see the rain seeping through and the material would turn dark with moisture. It would stay that way unless you touched it, and for some reason that would let the water wick through right at that spot.

We don't get a lot of rain in Texas, something like 16 in. avg. and I believe some areas have already doubled that amt. I will have to check the yearly rainfalls in this area, but I expect we too are above the average.

A quick peek at some more southern radars shows what looks like (in motion) a small hurricane in the middle of Texas, esp. watching the storms curl around the edge of a large circle.

Hijab Harmony Humoured

It's a slow news day in the Texas Panhandle.

EVERY day is a slow news day in the Texas Panhandle, plus I've run out of horse pics.

I found the following news article humorous humourous even if it did take place across the pond.

Hear ye, hear ye, MP3...

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's top lawyer decided on Thursday that no action would be taken against a Muslim woman accused of listening to an MP3 music player under her hijab while on jury duty. The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was thrown off the jury considering a murder trial when one of her fellow jurors reported seeing headphone wires coming out of her headscarf.

Attorney General Baroness Patricia Scotland had "carefully" considered the case and decided not to press criminal charges, saying it would be too difficult to prove if the woman was guilty, a spokeswoman for her office said.

"(She) has concluded that there is insufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of proving beyond reasonable doubt any alleged contempt of court," the spokeswoman said.

The suspected incident had occurred during a trial in June at London's Blackfriars Court of a man accused of bludgeoning his wife to death.

The case was briefly halted while the woman, who could have been jailed if found guilty of contempt, was discharged from the jury and arrested.

At the time she was arrested, she was listening to "Jihad Hajji and the Baghdad Bombers" with their #7 hit on the charts, going to the top with an AK-47 bullet, "Infidel Rock".

I like the studio version, where they're backed up by that heavenly choir the "72 Virgins".

Keep that under your hat, though, wouldja?

Blue-Eyed Horse

You'll have to click the photo below for a larger view and to see clearer, but this horse has the prettiest blue eyes.

It also has a long blonde mane and a color at the top of its head that makes it look like a sweatband with the hair spilling out over it. It was a hot day and the animal was lathered up a bit, too.

Reminded me of my ex-wife after her exercise classes.

Welcome to everyone who has found this post via Google or some other search engine.

There's another photo of this same horse in the post Ebony and Ivory.

August 16, 2007

Maybe My Mule

I've got a few favorite "friends" out at the horse lots. I like this mule; he's colorful, friendly and doesn't bite and appreciates the weeds I feed him.

He also holds still, even posing while I take his photograph.

He likes the treats, but I think he's lonely and wants my company. I can talk to him and sometimes he'll shut his eyes. That might be because my voice grates on his nerves, I dunno.

Had a long-haired donkey come over to see what was going on, but a quick nip on the flanks by my pal sent the shaggy interloper on towards the other side of the pen. I was flattered that someone would be jealous of me, it's been a long time since ANYONE was interested...

I swear, his body language seemed as though he was trying to draw my attention towards something, and sure 'nuff, he finally got me pointed in the right direction.

"Uh, you DID get that phone number, right?"

Y'know, I bet he'd be a better mouse catcher than the Beej. He'd at least stomp on the bugs.

Wonder how much a mule costs?