Welcome to ToTG!

September 13, 2010

And Sharp as a Cactus!

You Are Witty

You are a hilarious and expressive person. You love to entertain a crowd.

You see humor in everything, and you enjoy making light of situations.

Your friends depend on you for comic relief, and they usually don't even mind when it's at their expense.

You know that the key to being funny is pushing the envelope. And you are always willing to take a risk.

September 12, 2010


subaudition\suhb-aw-DISH-uhn \ , noun;
1. An act or instance of understanding or mentally supplying something not expressed.

Wasn't familiar with this word, but sure familiar with the definition, having been married.

September 11, 2010

September 10, 2010

New Country for Old Blog

Just checked in on our Flag Counter to see who has been visiting lately and noticed a new flag:

Antigua and Barbuda

At first I thought "What a pretty flag!"

My next thought was: "Wow, that looks like a woman looking through her sunburned thighs at the Caribbean sunset!"