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March 8, 2017

Which gift would you like?

From the   photo email12.gif  archives.

Your Personality Determined By Which Gift You Choose

Which gift would you like?

To determine your personality, pick the gift you'd most like to receive...Make the choice now before you go on...don't look until you've made your choice!

1. Candy

2. Flowers

3. A sweet poem

4. Sex

5. Dinner/Dancing

6. Waffle iron

Answers in comment section!

March 5, 2017

Beetle Juice

Cleopatra made her lipstick from crushed beetles, which gave it a red pigment, and ants, which she used for the base.

Chuck Norris - Sniper

March 2, 2017

To My Fellow Texans

And everyone else who loves liberty!

Happy Texas Independence Day!

Texas is a state of mind. Texas is an obsession. Above all, Texas is a nation in every sense of the word.

- John Steinbeck

February 26, 2017

We Screwed Up

Well, yeah. 

From the site:

What has two thumbs and screwed up? Me!!!

We just relaunched and redesigned the website. It was getting old and clunky and it was time for an overhaul. When you move you always end up losing something. I'm sorry you couldn't find what you were looking for but feel free to:
I looked for the recipe for chicken hearts I saw on another website, but it's not there.  That's heartless to not include that...or maybe chicken.