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September 27, 2008

Play With Spider

A creepy flash application.

A spider is crawling on a map. Use the slider bars at the top right hand corner to change the color of the spider, its height and leg length, the speed at which it crawls, many other variables. Use the space button to feed it insects.

Good Grief. If only there was a "rolled up newspaper" button, I'd like it more.

Play With Spider

September 26, 2008

6-Man Football on the Map

View the public schools in Texas playing six-man football thanks to this post at the Google Earth Community.

To view in Google Earth, you will need the software, but it's also available in Google Maps.


From the Word of the Day:

melee \MAY-lay; may-LAY\, noun:
1. A fight or hand-to-hand struggle in which the combatants are mingled in one confused mass.
2. A confused conflict or mingling.

I've been in those, both definitions, 1 & 2. . The last time was the day after Thanksgiving sale at Wal-Mart a few years back. Either definition suited that particular trip.

Never again. The horror...the horror.

Somewhere In Time

Yesterday (Sept. 25) was Christopher Reeve's birthday. He passed away on Oct. 10, 2004.

September 25, 2008

Quote of the Day

And is it ever:

That government is best which governs least.
- Thomas Paine

Silly Presidential Poll

Classmates.com sent me a silly little poll so I gave them silly little answers.