Ran across this blog in an unrelated search; the photos are spectacular, well worth a look.
David Taliaferro Storm Chaser (Home Page)
Welcome to ToTG!
October 1, 2008
Best Storm Pics of 2008
September 30, 2008
Not The Hole Story
What Your Socks Say About You |
You Are: - Very thoughtful - Quite calculating - Known as a serious person - A little bit conservative |
This quiz doesn't even come close to how anal I am about my socks. It gives me a feeling of dread thinking about wearing a pair of socks with a hole or holes in them.
Labels: quizzes
Steal the Cookie
Play Steal the Cookie, a nifty little game from Kashi.com: Snoop around the kitchen with a magnifying glass, get the hints and use them to put the cookie ingredients in the right order and win a free cookie!
I'm not saying how long it took me to suss it out. I probably wouldn't have played if I had known I could've just filled out the form and got the cookie, anyway.
Labels: free stuff, games, websites
September 29, 2008
Table Tennis
From the same folks who brought you Play With Spider, here's a fun table tennis game.
"Fun" is relative, I suppose. It was still fun, even though it kicked my butt. I have played it three times and managed to increase my score by one each time. I've never played it TOO long, but the last score was 63-3.
Play Table Tennis
September 28, 2008
From the Word of the Day feed in the right-hand column:
panache \puh-NASH; -NAHSH\, noun:
1. Dash or flamboyance in manner or style.
2. A plume or bunch of feathers, esp. such a bunch worn on the helmet; any military plume, or ornamental group of feathers.
I don't think I've ever, ever had any panache. I know I've never worn feathers in my cap.
Labels: words