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October 2, 2008

More Political Truth

The only difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is that the Democrats allow the poor to be corrupt, too.
- Oscar Levant

A Little Too Personal

Dictionary.com is gettin' close to home on the Word of the Day

slugabed \SLUHG-uh-bed\, noun:
One who stays in bed until a late hour; a sluggard.

So, I guess when I say I'm a "slacker", I'm flattering myself?

October 1, 2008

Free Panties!

From the website:

There's never a good time for an underwear problem to creep up on you. Hanes® Comfort Fit Promise guarantees the panty won't ride up or your money back. Sign up to try a pair on us and see for yourself.

I'm not in the market for panties, free or otherwise, but if I were, I'd want these "Be Wedgie-Free! ™" type.

It's always a good thing to be wedgie-free. I used to have a girlfriend who called some of her undies "Viet Cong drawers" 'cause they crept up on her.

Free Panties

Best Storm Pics of 2008

Ran across this blog in an unrelated search; the photos are spectacular, well worth a look.

David Taliaferro Storm Chaser (Home Page)

Sleepwalk - Santo & Johnny

w/cool clipart

September 30, 2008

Not The Hole Story

What Your Socks Say About You

You Are:

- Very thoughtful

- Quite calculating

- Known as a serious person

- A little bit conservative

This quiz doesn't even come close to how anal I am about my socks. It gives me a feeling of dread thinking about wearing a pair of socks with a hole or holes in them.