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October 17, 2008

MSN Groups to Close

WaPo article

I knew it was coming; figured it would've been a couple yrs. ago.

Fair to Middling

I entered a chat room and was asked "How are you?" and I replied "Fair to middlin' ". Someone interjected "That's spelled "MIDLAND"." and I disagreed. Then the argument began.

The one who disagreed with me said it was a phrase from WWII; there were quite a few aviation bases here in Texas during the war and pilots, when asked how the weather was, would say "It's fair to Midland."


What the term means is that something is between good and bad.

Just like this blog.

Middle of the Road - The Pretenders


From the website:

Meetways.com was created to allow users to find a point of interest between two addresses. Let's say you need to meet a friend or client for lunch on the other side of town? Meetways.com ways will allow you to enter both addresses and the type of restaurant you are looking for and give you the exact halfway point and a list of restaurants in that area. Save hours trying to figure out the halfway point on a map and instead find it in one simple click!


Not for sure if this works as good as they claim. For example, I put in the zip codes of here and one in Dallas and it had me meeting on a farm road in Oklahoma, no town close by. I also decided to put in the zips of here and Miami (TX)-23 miles away- and it had me meeting down near Abilene.

I remember my dad telling a friend of his who complained that pop hadn't been to see him lately "It's just as close from you to me as it is from me to you!"

Stuck In The Middle With You - Stealers Wheel

Middle Child Syndrome

From eesortment:

The middle or second born child or children often have the sense of not belonging. They fight to receive attention from parents and others because they feel many times they are being ignored or dubbed off as being the same as another sibling. Being in the middle a child can feel insecure. The middle child often lacks drive and looks for direction from the first born child. Sometimes a middle child feels out of place because they are not over achievers and like to go with the flow of things.

Being a middle child would mean they are loners. They really don’t like to latch on to a person in a relationship, there fore they have trouble keeping one due to lack of interest. Not liking to take the limelight for anything, they are not over achievers and just simply work enough work to get by, and typically that goes with school as well as a career. They are however very artistic and creative. If forced to use abilities they will work well, but do not work well under pressure. They often start several projects but rarely keep focused long enough to finish a project. The best career move for a middle child would be along the lines of using their creative. Going into a writing or journalism career, and into a career that they could freely express themselves would be good. Anything that would have hours that are flexible, and projects that frequently changed would be good for a middle born child. Since relationships are not of high importance to a middle child, often times they are alone. However, the best possible match for a middle child would be a last born.

What a crock.